Malagos Garden Resort | Davao Resort

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Malagos Plants You Have to Bring Back Home

Gardening keeps you grounded. Don’t you think so too? There is something about digging in the dirt and growing living plants that helps to settle the soul and make you feel alive. This is, no doubt, one of the many reasons why the plant craze is happening. Various Davao plants and herbs are now available online and many Davao plant stores are even taking the extra mile to keep up with this trend. Malagos Garden Resort is home to many beautiful floras that can make every plant mom’s heart skip a beat. For the past few months, when we closed our doors, our plants grew and bloomed to what they are today. To give you a sneak peek of what you’ll see, we have rounded up a list of plants you’ll surely love to bring home:


Jade Vine. Strongylodon macrobotrys, commonly known as jade vine, emerald vine or turquoise jade vine, is a species of leguminous perennial liana, a native of the tropical forests of the Philippines, with stems that can reach up to 18 m in length. Its local name is Tayabak. This plant is mesmerizingly beautiful it seems unreal. Jade vine is known for its spectacular blooms consisting of dangling clusters of shimmering greenish-blue, claw-shaped flowers. The huge, pendant-like clusters are suspended from twisting, wisteria-like stems with waxy green leaves.


Rubber Tree. Ficus elastica (more commonly known as a rubber plant, rubber tree, or rubber tree plant) is a popular houseplant because of its waxy leaves and larger-than-life appearance. Rubber plants can grow up to 100 feet. As a domesticated houseplant, rubber plants grow anywhere between six to ten feet tall. Rubber plants are tree-like plants that are known for their great height and beautiful leaves. These grand plants also come in different varieties and colors that complement any home decor theme. Rubber plants earned their name thanks to their sap, which is sometimes used to make rubber. The rubber plant’s leaves also have a shiny and rubbery appearance. These plants will grow tall and produce beautiful leaves if you give them proper care.


Traveller’s Palm. This nifty looking tree is commonly referred to as the traveler's palm. In reality, it is not a palm at all but rather a close cousin of the bird of paradise plants. The tree is said to align its photosynthetic fan in an east-west orientation, which can serve as a crude compass, allowing weary travelers to orient themselves. This tree collects a lot of water in its nooks and crannies. Each of its hollow leaf bases can hold upwards of a quart of rainwater. 


Plum Pine. Perhaps one of the best reasons to plant conifers in the garden is that they require very little care. They rarely need fertilizer, resist most insects and diseases, and only need to be watered during prolonged dry spells. Plum pines are attractive conifers. Unlike most conifers, plum pine trees don’t have cones. Instead, they have single seeds attached to the branch by a fleshy, bluish-black branch. The seeds are edible and are often eaten raw or made into jams and jellies (if the birds don’t get them first). If you are a bird lover, this is a great choice for you!

On where to buy plants and flowers in Davao, the Malagos Garden Resort is reopening our doors very soon. From rare finds plants to dainty ones you can hang on your window, marvel in the beautiful gardens of Malagos, and bring home a piece of it with you. See you soon!