Malagos Plant Picks for the Week

Malagos Garden Resort Plants for Sale

The plant craze is getting bigger and wiser. From starting with small dainty plants you can keep at home, many now think the bigger the plant is, the better. But we all have to start somewhere, right? Before these plants became as big as they are now, they started from the smallest of figs too. Thus, for today, we are sharing with you the top tips when caring for four of the most loved plants in the community. 

Bismarckia. This plant is resistant to dry air. It takes bright light up to 5-6 hours a day, direct sun, at the south, south-west window is suitable. Bismarckias have low substrate. The air-permeable soil is preferable, but it also easily tolerates heavy clay soils with the addition of sand and organic materials. Water this moderately and do not allow the substrate to completely dry out despite this plant being sufficiently resistant to drought. When grouped with others, it will make one “for the gram moment for everyone in the house. 

Eugenia. If you have a bright spot, eugenia topiaries are relatively easy to grow indoors. The biggest thing to keep in mind is that topiary eugenia needs plenty of light so place them near a south-facing window or patio door. Water to keep the soil slightly moist, but not saturated and never let the soil dry out completely. Eugenia wilts dramatically when dry and the leaves quickly turn crunchy. This requires well-drained soil. Choose a large pot with plenty of holes in the bottom. Use a good potting soil with generous handfuls of sand added to increase porosity. Young plants may require staking at first, and you can prune them to just one leader if you want the plant to be a standard tree. 

Moonlight. The Philodendron moonlight has a brilliant neon green to yellow coloration. It is a popular, easy-care tropical house plant. A great color contrast plant for shady spots in your garden. It is best grown in well-drained, moist soil in part shade to full shade. Do not expose this one to direct sunlight. They also don’t like overly wet or cold soils so avoid alkaline soil. It is perfect for bright, warm indoor spaces.


Fiddle Leaf Fig. The Ficus lyrata are the “it” houseplant that is here to stay even post-pandemic. It appreciates warm, humid environments, a fair amount of water and plenty of light. A few hours of direct sun is beneficial. This stunning plant with huge green leaves and an even larger following of houseplant fans offers visual impact in anyone’s space unmatched when given proper conditions and care.

The Malagos Garden Resort has all these plants for sale. Plus, there are so much more from where they come from! So if you are one of the plant parents community,one of the places to visit in Davao City is no less than one of  Davao's best resorts, Malagos Garden Resort. Enjoy experiences refined by nature and learn more ways to make you plants grow and prosper. Happy gardening!