The Familiarity and Security in Homegrown Initiatives

Malagos Garden Resort

“Everywhere you look these days it seems that modern commerce has been designed to separate humans from each other. Smartphones keep our attention locked in a virtual realm, online retail allows us to browse and shop without leaving our home, and automated tellers and cashiers seem designed to remove human interaction entirely.” This is how Adam Waytz described  today's generation in his article entitled, “When Customers Want to See the Human Behind the Product.” It can be quite easy to be overwhelmed with all the advancement of technology. But through it all, consumers still long for a touch of humans in every transaction. 

This is the reason why homegrown initiatives like the Malagos Homegrown Produce and other more familial services in the hospitality industry like the Malagos Garden Resort are growing closer to the hearts of the public. Many businesses make the mistake of assuming that low price points and ultra-simple shopping processes are all that consumers seek (or what they predominantly seek). While it can be true, it can also depend. It is important to remember that while products can be bought somewhere else, service can never be copied. With this in mind, we have rounded up some reasons why you should still opt to know the people behind a product and a service despite all the advancements happening around us. 

Conscious human intention. When interacting with a business, it is so much better to feel that you are interacting with a human being rather than some automated responses, sensing human intention at the root of the interaction is critical because people tend to equate intentionality with purpose and meaning. Take the Malagos Garden Resort for example. For the years that we have been operating, we always made sure that someone is designated to personally answer your queries. This way, you get to connect with somebody who really understands what you want to happen. One consequence of the digital age and the push toward mass production is that the demand for handmade and homegrown products has increased. People want to know where their food is coming from. Knowing that is from a local farmer who is also trying to make ends meet makes the experience more meaningful and grounding. 

Effort. Research by Harvard Business School professors Ryan Buell and Michael Norton shows that customers enjoy a sandwich order more when they actually observe the sandwich-maker preparing the food (rather than simply ordering the food and receiving it upon delivery). This increased satisfaction occurs in part because people value products based on the perceived effort exerted toward producing those products — human interaction makes the effort transparent. This rings true especially to the rise of the farm to table movement. Knowing the efforts put into certain products and that it is also a way to support local farmers get by, gets more attention than those who claim to be from big companies from the end of the globe.

Authenticity and local touch. Take the Malagos Garden Resort for example. Since most of our staff are locals from the area, more often than not, they know more stories about the land than we do. They care for each plant and help them grow and prosper. Due to this touch, more people are easily drawn with what we have to offer. 

A human touch signals that companies are operating with intentional purpose, working harder, and acting authentically, all of which create meaning in the minds of consumers. This is what most resorts in Davao City are yet to develop. Looking at where to go in Davao City that offers everything on the list? Simply head on to Malagos Garden Resort, a Hotel Resort in Davao City, and marvel in the rawness of nature’s beauty and service you no less than deserved.