Bird Watching For Kids: Why Start Them Young

Bird Watching

Kids are natural explorers. This is how they learn. They mimic, discover, explore, and in the long run, adapt. One activity that will be perfect for them is Birding. Birding is awe-inspiring. It connects us with a sense of place and gets us outside to explore. There are not many bird parks in Davao where you can be sure kids will truly enjoy the activity. But in Malagos Garden Resort, the newest Davao birdwatching resort, we assure you that whether you have grown up bird watching or barely able to differentiate one bird to another, you and your kids can discover the hobby together in your region and in the places you travel. To know more why it is integral to start the kids young when birding, we have rounded up some reasons you may want to consider:


Ignites love for nature. Let’s admit it. Saying we love nature and doing something about it are two completely different actions. One is more proactive than the other. Bird watching or Birding is one of the best nature activities you can let your kids experience. This can be an avenue to teach them about wildlife-- both big and small. Birds come in different sizes. This is one of the factors why birding can be quite tedious. You have to be observant and quick, something that the kids are very well equipped with. Along with encouraging empathy for all living things, bird watching also provides a platform for discussing the larger scope of nature. What do they eat? How do they survive? How come the girl and boy have different colors? With interesting questions like these, it will be easier for the kids to understand how the different aspects of nature works. 


Encourages to listen closely. They say that when the kids are quiet in the house, it could mean trouble. And well, most of the time, it  does. In birding, most of your senses have to be used. One that is equally important is  listening. Each bird has their own call. Even if we are led to believe that most birds only chirp “tweet tweet,” when you are birding, you’ll realize that each call is distinct from each other. By teaching children to listen they will learn to sharpen their hearing.  You often hear a bird before you see it, so this is a great way to connect with more species.


Breathe and appreciate. Our fast paced world encourages multitasking and fast learning. While these are commendable traits, it is equally important for both young and adult ones to pause and take a break. The stillness of bird watching is less of a skill and more of an opportunity to pause and take it all in. As a kid, it is important that they value these times too. Sometimes it can be easy to put out the fire inside you if you do not take the time to recharge. 


A nature and wellness resort in Davao, Malagos Garden Resort, encourages everyone to try Birding once in a while. In the midst of all that is happening, take a much needed breather and enjoy the calmness this activity offers. We will be reopening our doors soon and we cannot wait to enjoy Birding with you! To know first about our offers and discounts, make sure to sign up for our newsletter at We have great experiences in store for you. See you soon.