Malagos Garden Resort | Davao Resort

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Farmcation at Malagos Garden Resort

Vacation usually means relaxation, time for yourself, and perhaps a little adventuring. While researching your next vacation destination, a farm may not immediately come to mind. But you definitely have to change that! Destination farm vacations, or farm stays, are gaining popularity these days and may just be the perfect balance for your family’s next vacation. Agritourism is a booming industry, based on Airbnb bookings, and is more fondly called as farmcation. This accommodation hosting application recorded around 944,000 farm guest reservations from February 2018-2019. This concept was not new at all; in fact, farms have been doing it since the 20th century. The idea of this is to simply let guests stay and experience farm life. One farmcation resort here in Davao is Malagos Garden Resort. Here are some of the activities you can enjoy in the resort:

Museum Tours. Experience an enriching knowledge of the tree to bar process of the award winning Malagos chocolate and the enchanting life cycle of a butterfly. It's not a coincidence that there’s a “muse” in “museum” . A museum is a wonderful place to recharge, get inspired, and let those creative juices begin to flow again. By observing the work in museums, it offers ways to stimulate new ideas, resulting in the creation of more art and ideas. 

Birdwatching. Human beings are not alone in the world. But in modern society our contacts with our fellow creatures are artificially constrained. We need to be in some way connected to nature and other living creatures. Birds can be that connection for us, or they can be only the beginning of wider connections with the natural world. Where and when you’ll find them are simply by chance. From endemic, migratory, or resident birds, each one of them has a certain charm you’d look forward to seeing. Explore all these in the lush gardens of Malagos and you might just be lucky enough to see the Southern Silvery Kingfisher pecked on one of our branches!

Al Fresco Farm to Table Homegrown Dining. Nature gives us a certain beautiful ambiance and great views. Plus, when the weather is beautiful, it is an added enjoyment to the experience. This can be the rawest way to enjoy nature and good food at the same time. Because the setup is in open air, it means that there will be more space for people to practice proper social distancing. All these paired with luscious Malagos feast and you are in for a treat. 

Animal Shows. Most animal shows use wildlife conservation as a spiel for their bird shows. Malagos Garden Resort’s animal  shows on the other hand, embodies the true mission of making the audience be aware not just of the wonders of these animals but also the call for the need of  their conservation. The Bird show for example, the set features a background with tree props that were cut in half and you would think it’s just for design but each of the stage components all have a story to tell—the cut down trees for example is used as an example on what illegal urbanization is doing to our wildlife’s natural habitats.

Contactless Animal Encounters.  This is a fun filled activity which gives the kids a chance to encounter up close and personal some of the domesticated animals in the resort. By participating in this activity, you will learn about the vital role these farm friends play in the ecosystem from the hardworking keepers who’ve been with them the longest. As part of Malagos Garden Resort’s mission to refine your experiences through nature, you can interact with the all-star cast after their performance through communicating with them and observing what they do from a distance. There’s just so much you can do in this activity designed not just to educate, but entertain you as well.

Known as the go-to Davao getaway resort and Davao family resort, Malagos Garden REsort will be opening our doors soon! To know more about the details, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter. Simply head on to, sign up, and expect a  lot of surprises in store for you. See you around!