Cozy Holidays at Malagos Garden Resort

Malagos Garden Resort

Malagos Garden Resort is a Davao family resort and destination that is the best choice when you want to have one of the best holiday staycations in town. A holiday staycation, where you stay in a cozy room with everything you need right at your fingertips to celebrate special occasions is the perfect alternative to a traditional Christmas celebration at home. You are liberated from the stress of the holiday rush and get to focus on things that really matter: bonding with your loved ones and giving yourself a well-deserved break. Think about it – no tiring meal preps, no clean ups, no extraneous socializing, which all add up to more precious free time to get into that holiday vibe. This is exactly what Malagos Garden Resort, a one-of-a-kind staycation resort in Davao City offers. 


Ultimate and deep relaxation. Who says that holidays at home are always relaxing? More often than not, it’s even more exhausting especially if you are in charge of food preparation for everybody at home not to mention washing the dishes and cleaning the entire house. After all behind every elaborate buffet are one or two cooks, coordinators, or all-around event planners heaving a sigh of relief that it’s almost over (perhaps your mother, your tita, or you). A staycation at your favorite resort is thus the perfect alternative to a traditional holiday celebration, especially for those juggling hectic schedules on top of planning festivities. In Malagos Garden Resort, your convenience is our utmost priority. We make sure that we’ll be able to prepare what you need, whenever you need it. Scrumptious food? Relaxing venue? A dip in the pool? We have you covered. 

A self-care day for everyone at home. As they say, prioritize your own self-care so you can be the best version of you as you navigate these hard times. Over the past months, you've likely become an expert in what does and doesn't work for you, so make the holidays a bonanza for relaxation. Watching anime for four hours and then ordering the infamous Malagos hot chocolate? A steaming hot shower while singing the hits of the Backstreet Boys? It's all a possibility — especially with nothing on your mind but making the most out of your holidays. 

No stress, no mess. A sumptuous Noche Buena comes with a price — and we don’t mean the holiday weight! We mean the unenviable job of cleaning up the day or night after, for when your friends and relatives had a little bit too much fun. If you’re having guests over the holidays, this also means extending hospitality to accommodate all their needs, a laudable Filipino trait we should all be proud of. When you spend your holidays at Malagos Garden Resort, a family and nature resort, it will be a holiday that you won’t have to think of anything else but being grateful of what you have. 

Malagos Garden Resort

As a special treat for the coming holidays, Malagos Garden Resort is offering Davao holiday packages that will surely make your Christmas a bit merrier. Watch out for the upcoming Malagos 12-12 sale and subscribe to our newsletter at Have a happy holiday!