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Meet the Malagos Garden Resort Bird Ambassadors

You’ve probably been seeing a lot of prenup photos everywhere, particularly on social media channels. They have been a huge hit these days, especially among couples who simply want to tell their unique stori/es and let people see a glimpse of how amazing they are together. In Davao, prenup ideas range from bohemian earthy colors all the way to a unique goth concept. But ultimately, we all know that of all Davao prenuptial packages, one that will always come through is the one that has a story to tell. Malagos Garden Resort is a prenuptial wedding venue that will surely make your special day one to remember. With Bird Ambassadors sharing your story, it will be a moment of regrounding and rediscovering. 

Handling birds are our bird ambassadors that you can pet and let perch over your shoulder or arms. They are sweet and gentle birds willing to accompany you the entire day if they must. 


Philippine Scops Owl 

Otus megalotis

Philippine Endemic

Sunny was donated by Mr. Jun Pagas. She was found last May 2018 in the middle of a Durian Farm in Barangay Tamayong, Baguio District. When we accepted Sunny, she was still a fledgling owlet eager to try out her wings. Today, Sunny is a flier and one of our gentlest birds. You can pet her and she’d most absolutely allow you.


Grass Owl 

Tyto capensis

Noah was turned over to us as a hatchling, previously found in the middle of a grass field during field clearing. Being abandoned, Noah survived thanks to the concerned, devoted rearing and  hand feeding by Mr. Reygun for 4 months, before being endorsed to the Malagos Bird Park in August 2018. Hand reared young birds such as Noah easily get accustomed to having people around.  There’s no need to fear Noah as he’s one friendly and accommodating Grass Owl (Tyto capensis).


Philippine Scops Owl 

Otus megalotis

Philippine Endemic

Hope was hatched in a naturally preserved habitat near the Malagos creek. Unfortunately, because of strong storm wind, her nest in an old Palm tree fell. Hope was the only survivor from the brood of 3, and was rescued by one of our bird park technicians. Hope, a shy bird who secretly loves unlimited attention, has been with us since 2016. 


Eclectus Parrot

Eclectus roratus

Ruby was the partner of Pretty Boy, another one of our parrots. She was donated by a Pastor who was returning home to the US from his Davao mission. In the Eclectus parrot family, green feathers mean male while red means female. True to this, Ruby was named for the gorgeous deep red of her plumage. Ruby was hand fed when she was two weeks old, and now at six years old, Ruby is currently in our Bird Dome and every so often comes to land on our visitors’ heads to say hello. 


Green Eclectus Parrot

Eclectus roratus

Midori was donated by Mr. Nestor Ma in February 2004. His name comes from the Japanese word for green, describing his bright lustrous feathers. He has been in the resort for 15 years and is now one of our most beautiful birds. Along with this familiarity, he is so tame that you’d love to hold him for an entire day! 


African Grey Parrot

Psittacus erithacus

Max was bred in captivity to parents May and Mike. He is now 6 years old and loves to mimic most of what he hears. Max is very tame and holding him close is easy too. He even knows how to stay still to have your picture perfect pose. 


Philippine Eagle Owl 

Bubo philippensis

Philippine Endemic 

Donated by Mr. Pat Yatco of Manila last August 2004, Bryan  has been in the resort for 16 years already. He is one of the stars of the Malagos Garden’s bird show and demonstrates the silent flight, because you can barely hear his wings flap when he flies. 


White Umbrella Cockatoo

Cacatua alba

Toby was bred & hatched in the resort in April 2009. He was hand raised as early as a month old, meaning he’s very accustomed to the human touch. Toby injured his wing while attempting to fly but still has a very happy disposition and is known to run and climb energetically. Now, Toby loves to flap his wings and mimic words like “Hi”, “Hello” and even answers back when asked his name! Toby is one clever bird who very much loves all the attention from resort guests. The Umbrella Cockatoo is not endemic to the Philippines.


White Umbrella Cockatoo

Cacatua alba

Rookie is another captive bred bird of Malagos Garden Resort. He is now 18 years old and is also part of the bird show. Rookie is a tame and very talented bird who loves to mimic. He can say his name, ask for your name and can even say hello. He also knows how to play basketball, ride the scooter, dance and sing on his own. He even knows how to segregate waste and teaches young guests how in the Bird Show.  

Flight birds are our raptors that love to glide high up in the sky. Share your special day with them and be amazed at how graceful they can be. 


Philippine Hawk Eagle

Nisaetus philippensis

Philippine Endemic 

Kapitan was donated to Malagos Garden Resort last June 2018. He was found with a broken leg at a Banana plantation by the barangay captain in Subasta, Baguio District, explaining his name. Kapitan could barely flap his wings back then but we nursed him until he was able to fly again. Now, he is one of our flight birds who can soar up in the sky and come back gracefully. 


White Bellied Sea Eagle

Haliaeetus leucogaster

Berujet II was hatched from an egg donated to Malagos Garden Resort. Mr. Bong Tadena artificially incubated it until it hatched in 2006. That success is probably a first in Philippine raptor conservation history. Berujet II, the White Bellied Sea Eagle, (Haliaestur leucogaster) is now eleven years old and is one of the pioneering birds in the resort. His quiet strength gives him a distinguished disposition unique to birds of his breed.


Green Winged Macaw

Ara chloropterus

Red (Green Winged Macaw) was donated to Malagos Garden Resort fifteen years ago with her partner, Blue, a Blue and Gold Macaw. The donor couple offered them for adoption because they were too noisy for their apartment, like a pair of old lovers. They had to let them go but they were confident to know that their big birds will have a good home in Malagos. Red and Blue perform as a love struck couple in the Ligawan routine of the bird show. Red’s large beak can be intimidating but this macaw has a reputation as a gentle giant. She can even be one of the cutest ring bearers in town.


Haliastur indus

Four beautiful strong birds led by Valencia (Brahminy Kite) who  was seen in a farm in Bukidnon. Bred in a natural habitat, Valencia fell from her nest on top of a coconut tree. She was weak and hungry when she was donated in the Bird Park. We hand fed and nursed her until she was able to cope on her own. To date, Valencia is now one of our swiftest flight birds in the resort among her peers. 

Each one of them has a story to tell and share. Choose ambassadors you are most connected to and spend  your special day with them. To know more about them, make sure to sign up on our newsletter at We have a lot more surprises in store for you.