Malagos Garden Resort | Davao Resort

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How Outdoor Team Building Activities can Bring you Therapeutic Retreat

At the mention of team building activities, the mind usually conjures competitive faces and stances of participants during the games and activities. And although the thought is mostly fun and exciting, did you know that you can also use this time to relax your body and mind?

Team building activities are everyone’s favorite non-work related activity, and for a good reason. These corporate events are instrumental in developing more meaningful relationships with your workmates, especially the ones whom you don’t interact with on a daily basis. It’s also an idyllic time to reconnect with yourself and rethink your sense of purpose. 

The best team building activities are done outdoors. Here in Davao City, companies usually opt for a day at the beach or in garden resorts where the team can spend some quality time at a secluded area. But needless to say, outdoor team building activities are made more meaningful when spent with nature, geared up for a day of obstacle courses and series of challenges that will promote healthy competition in the team.

A quiet time alone

But outdoors doesn’t always equate to being all muddy and rugged from the tussles. When you’re done trying to overcome a rope-course challenge or leaping your way to the end of a sack race, being in the comforts of nature means there is always that privilege of finding a quiet time alone. Rebuild your energy by taking a morning stroll around the place. If your venue is a garden engulfed with lush greeneries, complete with a nearby creek, take a short breather and catch up on your favorite novel.

Late night small talks

Spending a night or two away from your place also means extra time to engage with your coworkers. Picture this: you no longer have to think about the hassles of commuting all the way home. You can, in turn, allocate that time to reflect on how your day went and get to know each other better. Before cozying up in bed, take time to breathe in the wonders of nature. Light up a bonfire and gather up the team for some late night talks or a round of charades.

A breath of fresh air

Taking the team out of their comfort zone once in a while may sound a little less practical especially for startups but it definitely has its long-term rewards. Take a breath of fresh air, literally and figuratively. Once you feel the ruins of demotivation sinking in, don’t wait for employees to drown any deeper. For some, incentives may be one way of doing it, but many a time going back to the simple things is the simple formula of it all. Nature is the sanctuary that provides a three-dimensional retreat. Turning to it to rebuild a team is not only a human resource requirement; it is a therapeutic retreat even employers deserve.

Most local companies – both startups and big game players – have already jumped their way into this rather more realistic approach of uplifting employee morale. In lieu of closed-door one-on-one coaching sessions, explore the wide array of options that Davao resorts can offer.

One of the top team building venue choices is Malagos Garden Resort, where the expanse of a 12-hectare green foliage allows participants to engage in both farm-inspired recreational activities while not having to compromise a much needed time alone. Perhaps one of the most favorite amenities is the warm ambiance evoked by the Malagos Villas, where one can truly feel the joys of being one with nature.