Malagos Garden Resort | Davao Resort

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Why You Should Know Where Your Food Comes From

It’s so easy to just sit on your couch and scroll through your phone these days. You’re probably having a bowl of chips and a glass of soda, taking a picture of it, and sharing it on social media with the hashtag #justquarantineeats. If you think that this is helping you cope up with the stress and anxiety that you’re going through, think again.


You are what you eat. 


Now more than ever, we are called upon to be our healthier selves. And the first step in achieving this is through proper diet and daily exercise. Maintaining an active lifestyle or exercising daily is very easy. You can either look up for 10 or 15-minute exercise videos online and follow them or just blast any danceable music and dance until you start sweating. But keeping yourself healthy by maintaining a proper diet can be very difficult, especially during this time that we are advised to stay in our homes to reduce the risk of contracting the COVID-19 virus outside.


Now that most of your cravings are not available right now, because some of the restaurants in the city have temporarily closed down due to the current situation, you now have an excuse to use your kitchen. To satisfy our hunger, most of us have resorted to cooking our own meals – releasing the inner creative chef in us. Isn’t it nice to know how your food is being prepared, knowing that you or your family member prepared it? Indeed, knowing how your food is being made should be the norm. And it’s also the same with knowing where your food comes from.


So, where does your food come from?


Do you ask this question to your local market vendor every time you do your groceries or market errands? Maybe not. We’re told and are made to believe that most of the locally-grown veggies and fruits found in supermarkets are sourced from farms that are far from the city. And although we mostly rely on that, still some of us have our own reservations and prefer to buy produce straight from the farm to guarantee its freshness.


You’re probably wondering how to get a load of that farm-freshness and goodness when you can’t go outside. Lucky for Davao residents, there are plenty of online retailers that offer Davao homegrown produce. Malagos, for instance, have a wide selection of farm products that can be delivered straight to your doorstep. 


Malagos Homegrown Produce is one of the few farms in the city that has made the daily farmer’s harvest available to the local residents of Davao. Its main goal is to keep the residents of the city, who are now quarantined in their homes, healthy while staying true to our advocacy of farm-to-table. In this way, residents would need not compromise their safety whenever they need their daily dose of healthy goods, all the while helping farmers maintain a sustainable income. When you buy homegrown produce online, not only are you maintaining a healthy lifestyle but are also helping the local economy thrive during this pandemic crisis.


You don’t need to worry about where your food comes from when you buy from the Malagos Homegrown Produce. All of your veggies, fruits, and other produce are guaranteed fresh from the farm. Your farm-to-table, table-to-soul online homegrown shopping is waiting at