#TheNewNormal: Fathers Taking Charge in Shopping Online

Some people find it fascinating when fathers do the grocery runs instead of mothers. In a world that’s changing and getting more progressive, this idea has become the new normal and it’s pretty groundbreaking (still with a little bit of hilarious moments on the side, of course).

Every time we observe during our grocery runs or when our parents order online, we notice the differences in the shopping styles between the two sexes. Now that grocery runs have become much riskier and different from how we did it before, we also noticed how our fathers embraced this new task.

Although this idea is not entirely new to us, there are men who are very experienced in grocery shopping and some are probably more than capable in handling the task. Some mothers would even reveal that their husbands were already seasoned shoppers before the pandemic crisis. 

Studies have also shown that men grocery shop just as much as women now. Even when they differ on things that they buy, it still doesn’t erase the fact that there are no more gender roles applied in doing this specific task.

Let's take a look at some of the differences between men and women's grocery store habits and see where you’re at right now.

Ordering online with a list

Even though this is still a task mostly done by women, it's more common for men to do the actual shopping. They also tend to shop or order online with just a few things in mind. When a man does shop with a grocery list, studies show it's more likely to have been written by a female partner or spouse. It is said that men or fathers frequent the grocery store more often, buying more short-term groceries and leaving pretty quickly.

Buying All-Natural Products

There is a shared conscious effort to be healthier. Now that we’re facing a health crisis, our Fathers are stepping up in doubling or even tripling the family’s “shield” against the virus. Fathers now take into consideration the ingredients of a product and or the process of how a produce is harvested and prepared. Some would even say they are stricter and have attention for details. 

Budgeting and Spending Money Wisely

Mothers tend to seek out exclusive promos, deals, and freebies when shopping online. Most of the time they buy it even if they don't immediately need it, as long as they're offered at a good price. Fathers, on the other hand, will pay more money for a particular item they need, not worrying about whether it's on sale. Both are still spending money if the purchase fits the budget then it’s a fair result for both.

Who’s More Impulsive in Buying Stuff they don’t need?

Many of us are guilty of a little impulsive shopping, but studies show it's much more common for Fathers to leave a store with nonessential products than Mothers. They're particularly drawn to novel products such as unusual cooking gadgets and innovative flavors from meals or food online.

Whoever is in-charge of the grocery shopping, we should still celebrate Father’s Day 2020 by thanking our dads for their efforts in grocery-shopping (especially for the first-timers out there). Feast on some Malagos Garden Resort Food Mealand Meal Kit that are only here just for the father’s day weeklong celebration, now available at the Malagos Homegrown Produce! Nothing beats a homegrown celebration filled with love for our hard working grocery-shopping Dads.