Post Covid-19: The New Normal

Malagos Garden Resort

The advancement of technology for the last decade has been extraordinary. Unbelievable breakthroughs were discovered in the world of anthropology and research. This led us into believing that we are invincible. But the onset of the coronavirus proved us wrong. With a virus so big no one could have prepared for and with arguably simple flu-like symptoms, the world’s core has been shaken. 

In its peak and in order to fight coronavirus, new normal guidelines have been implemented--social distancing, wearing masks, staying at home. We are now united through distance. It leads us to think, post Covid-19, what will be the world like? Can we go back to the kind of normal we are accustomed to?

The COVID-19 pandemic will reverse the trends of globalization and urbanization, increasing the distance between countries and among people. These changes will make for a safer and more resilient world, but one that is also less prosperous, stable, and fulfilling,” Geoffrey Garrett, the Dean of Wharton Academy, states in his article Penn on the World after Covid-19. Garett further discussed that the two core predictions of what the world will be like Post Covid-19 are:

  1. Less global, more isolated.- Even before COVID-19, the decades-long trend toward ever-more globalization of trade, investment, supply chains and people flows was beginning to grind to a halt. We began to look closer to home in terms of the products we produce and consume, the people with whom we interact, and where we get our energy and our money.

  2. Less density, more distance- Urbanization is likely to be the other major casualty of the coronavirus. Unlike globalization, the trend of ever greater-urbanization was unaffected by the global financial crisis. 

In summary, remote secluded places are still the wisest choice to be when it's already posted coronavirus. The pandemic has shown that we are no longer immune to diseases and if we are not careful enough, an outbreak like this could happen again. The world may now shift its focus to isolation. But we do not have to worry. Our country has abundant resources to offer. For now, let us focus on healing through distance, this may take a few years or perhaps a decade, we will never know. 

Let us take advantage of this chance to enjoy what our place has to offer. The new normal is giving us the chance to go to Davao resorts that we are yet to explore. Post Covid-19, one of the best places to go in Davao after months of being cooped up at home is here at Malagos Garden Resort. With our lush greens, beautiful wildlife, and clean breeze, it will be quite an experience to be one with nature. While we still wait for the time to enjoy experiences refined by nature once more, do make sure to be extra safe. With our Malagos Homegrown Produce, we bring fresh homegrown produce, our signature products, and some of our potted right to your doorstep! With these little pieces of pleasure, we wish nothing but for your day to be better as we wait to be reconnected with you again. Stay safe, stay home, and more importantly let’s stay homegrown!