Hot Day? Au Naturale is the Way to Go


The heat these days can be unbearable. Without the beach or any resorts to take shelter in, it becomes even more overwhelming. With this, many online sellers sprung into action and have started selling homemade ice cream, ice candy, and the likes. As much as we are encouraging everyone to help each other by supporting local, it also pays to be extra careful.

In a country with a yet to peak coronavirus infection, we have to be consciously choosing options that are beneficial to us. While ice creams and ice candies give us relief, these are temporary. They are not bad choices once in a while, but for a warm, fuzzy afternoon, an all-natural juice will be a far better choice. This will be a refreshing and healthy treat for the day. Among all the choices, we must be leaning towards tropical juices full of vitamin C. With this in mind, one of the most beneficial drinks is a freshly squeezed calamansi juice. It will not only soothe our warm bodies, it also has a lot of benefits. 

Hydration. According to the Food and Nutrition Board, general guidelines say that women should get at least 91 ounces water per day and men should get at least 125 ounces a day. This includes the water from food and drinks we partake every day. Water is the greatest source of hydration but with a little help from freshly squeezed calamansi extract, it will make hydrating yourself even more satisfying. 

A great source of vitamin C. Citrus fruits like lemonsitos contains a lot of Vitamin C and minerals that can help boost our immune system. These days, we are not merely fighting the heat off of our body, we are also making sure that we do not catch the virus. What better way to combat both than with a refreshing and healthy drink, right?

Improves skin quality. Skincare routine has been the hype of most Filipinas for quite some time now. More and more are even taking the internet by storm in the fight as to which is the best routine there is. If our skin loses moisture, it becomes dry and will be prone to wrinkles. Drinking calamansi juice will not only boost the moisture in our skin but will also aid us in stopping the development of wrinkles and have that healthy, glowing skin we all want to have. 

Good aid indigestion. Calamansi Juice is known for its great help in making the digestive system move to action. Ayurvedic medicine says the sour lemon taste helps stimulate your “agni.” In ayurvedic medicine, a strong agni jump-starts the digestive system, allowing you to digest food more easily and helping to prevent the buildup of toxins.

Contributes to good mental health. The refreshing quality of a freshly squeezed au natural calamansi juice will also be good for our mood and current mental state. It boosts and optimizes the memory. This will be a great treat to start the  day with.

A calamansi juice is a healthy drink and a Davao fresh juice we can enjoy. It must be taken into consideration though that the amount of vitamins and minerals in one drink depends on the amount of lemons used to make one. In order to ensure quality and to help protect you in this trying time, the Malagos Garden Resort has just recently launched our Fresh Calamansi Juice made from freshly squeezed homegrown calamansi. We have made sure to make this with extra care and utmost effort to preserve all the nutrients in every bottle. With this, you can rest assured that a good quality calamansi juice is readily available for you.  Grab one today and check it out yourself! Let us fight Covid-19 together and stay home, stay homegrown with the Malagos Homegrown Produce