Here's Why These Days, Staying Home Saves Lives

Davao Local Farmers

As of August 6, 2020, the Philippines now has the most Covid-19 cases in Southeast Asia after the country surpassed Indonesia by over 700 cases. We now have a total of 119, 460 infections in the country. There is no denying that the number of our coronavirus cases is getting more and more overwhelming by the day. In fact, for August 1-15, medical front liners in Metro Manila pleaded for a period of ECQ in the place. The period of ECQ will serve as a “time-out”  to recalibrate the government’s COVID-19 strategies.

During a press conference with the Philippine Daily Inquirer, Dr. Jose Santiago, the President of the Philippine Medical Association, said that “We proposed that this ECQ be used as a time out to refine our pandemic control strategies, addressing the following urgent conditions: hospital workforce efficiency, failure of case finding and isolation, failure of contract tracing and quarantine, transportation safety, workplace safety, public compliance with self-protection, social amelioration.” While the frontliners admit that reverting back to an Enhanced Community Quarantine is a complex decision, Dr. Santiago added that “Let us remember that we need healthy people to reinvigorate the economy. Our healthcare workers can no longer bear the burden of deciding who lives and who dies.” The recurring call of our frontliners has always been: “pagod na pagod na kami.”

Aside from our medical frontliners, we also have our bankers. From the start of the quarantine season even up to the present, they have always been quick to serve the people through their services. As one of the most essential parts of the community, they have been risking their lives by facing different people everyday and touching money that could have already been circling around the country. 

Our farmers too are one of the most integral frontliners we have. Despite the slow returns in their produce, they did not stop in providing us with fresh produce to boost our immune system. In fact, it was through them that the Malagos Homegrown Produce budded. Malagos Garden Resort has always been supporting local farmers. In fact, we have been clear that the root of Malagos has always been our Davao local farmers. Each chocolate and fresh, homegrown produce we offer has been specially prepared and nurtured by them. Despite the pandemic, they never stopped planting and sowing. Instead, they gave more because they knew that we all need more. 

Let us help each other get through this pandemic. The only thing we can do this is if we do this together. Our medical frontliners are getting tired, bankers are risking their lives, and our farmers are going the extra mile to keep us safe. Let us keep them safe too. Now more than ever, we  have to stay home and be extra careful to help our doctors and nurses. Wear masks and face shields at all cost when the need to go to the bank arises. Support local farmers through buying local products at all times. Let us do our part in this fight against the coronavirus. For today, make the first step: stay home and stay homegrown with the Malagos Homegrown Produce. We promise to keep you safe.