Stay Home, Stay Homegrown: How this Works

Stay Home Stay Homegrown

In the midst of a global pandemic, the Malagos Garden Resort shifted our gears and focused more into bringing fresh, homegrown produce to your homes. We have grown and expanded since then. Now, we also have hearty meals, meal kits, potted herbs and plants, and even all the way to DIY baking packs all for you. We continue to expand because we believe that you deserve an all-in service that will always keep you safely at home. 

We are humbled that you are choosing to stay at home and be healthy with us. While we innovate our way through this, we always come back to the root of it all: our local farmers. Without them, there will be no fresh, homegrown produce and ingredients to innovate with. Along with our need to give you a service you no less than deserve, we have been striving for and because of them too. Thus, the stay home, stay homegrown campaign. Through continuing to support local, you are also:

Building Communities. Locally grown food helps build communities because when you buy directly from a farmer, you are building a relationship while also helping to support local farmers who are providing for you as much as they are providing for their own families. Through choosing the Malagos Homegrown Produce, you are also choosing to support our family farmers.

Keeping small businesses afloat. Purchasing from small businesses helps them keep up with their  finances in order to get by. These days, in the midst of a pandemic, everytime you choose to support a local business by buying their local products, it is a chance for them  to get by for the coming months. 

Preserves small farm lands and wildlife. We do what we can in order to survive. Especially our local farmers. When we support them through buying their produce, we are also ensuring that there will still be farm lands left for the future. These days, it is a much simpler choice for farmers to sell a part of their land which then turns into housing or industrial use. While this may be beneficial for them for a while, it is not feasible for both the farmers and the consumers in the long run. 

Creates more jobs for the locals. Local business owners mostly get their staff from the locals. It is a way of giving back in as much as it is one way to help each other come through this adversity. While these businesses keep afloat, more people will still be able to feed and care for their family.

Developing community identity. Kadayawan 2020 is here and it is the best time to be thankful for our bounty harvest despite these trying times. With this, through buying local products, we are also supporting the build-up of our community’s identity. Take the Malagos Chocolate for example. While it has already been internationally recognized, we make sure for it to be known as a proudly Davao made product. Through this, we are able to bring our identity to the world as one. 

Malagos Garden Resort has been tagged by many as one of Davao’s best resorts. While this humbles us greatly, we will always come back to our roots. Always keep safe. Stay home and stay homegrown with the Malagos Homegrown Produce. Until we meet again!