Malagos Garden Resort | Davao Resort

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The Benefits of Koi Farming

Kois are often called living jewels because of their natural beauty.  This is why having Koi ponds near you is a great way to relax and rejuvenate. There is something so beautiful about the view of fishes calmingly swimming along with hearing relaxing and tranquil sounds of the water. With this in mind, one staycation resort in Davao that is also tagged by many as Davao's best resort, Malagos Garden Resort is introducing a Malagos new activity that will surely tantalize you in so many ways: the introduction of Koi Ponds in the resort. With 180 Kois in ponds strategically placed all over the resort, this will surely be one activity you want to spend with the entire family. 

The charm of Kois may lead you into thinking of starting your very own Koi farm at home. Aside from the delight you get from growing Kois it also has several other benefits you surely don’t want to miss: 

Sense of accomplishment. According to Mr. Fred Chin, a Koi Hobbyist and Filtration Expert, there is something so fulfilling when you see the Kois you are caring for grow in huge sizes. This means that you have properly cared for them. Not to mention, when you add a Koi pond to your backyard, it will also encourage the growth of eye-catching and colorful plants near the pond that will attract butterflies and birds, thus creating your own natural and peaceful space. 

The potential source of income. Koi fishes are one of the most in-demand fishes and you can easily sell them at substantial profits. Selling them is easy; just participate in any fish show and sell your fish stock to interested buyers. Of course, the Kois with great sizes along with desirable colors and patterns will be the ones buyers will be most attracted to.

Aesthetic appeal. Nobody can deny the aesthetic appeal that these ponds can bring to your property. It doesn’t matter, whether you have hired a high-end designer to get these ponds designed or you may have designed the ponds yourself, a Koi pond can add an unparalleled elegance and style to your property or garden.

Normalizing your blood pressure. Having a Koi pond in your garden is one of the biggest stress relievers. Since stress is responsible for a number of health ailments such as high blood pressure, certain heart conditions, and anxiety disorders, you can help to reduce these problems by adding a Koi pond in your yard.

Brings good luck. Japanese people believe that Koi is a mystical fish that can bring fortune and good luck to any home. Beautifully designed Koi fish ponds and the magical sound of water can relax and amaze you at the same time. This is enough to reduce any negative or depressive feelings.

A Koi has a long life. A Koi fish living until 50 years old is not uncommon. There is even a record of one Koi living well past 50 years old! 

These days, there are only a few who are raising Davao Kois that are both magnanimous and beautiful. This is exactly what Malagos Garden Resort offers-- beautiful fishes and breathtaking ponds for you to enjoy during your relaxing staycation. If you want to know what other offers we have for you, make sure to subscribe to our newsletter at and be the first to know all about our new attractions. What are you waiting for? Take that much-needed break and re-experience nature with Malagos Garden Resort.