The History of EDSA and Why We Should Honor It

Malagos Garden Resort Edsa 35 Years

Many often go out to Davao tourist spots like  Malagos Garden Resort to celebrate the EDSA holiday. But have you taken the time to really understand the essence behind it? As how the Official Gazette of the Philippines eloquently described EDSA, it is all about those “momentous four days of February 1986, millions of Filipinos, along Epifanio de los Santos Avenue (EDSA) in Metro Manila, and in cities all over the country, showed exemplary courage and stood against, and peacefully overthrew, the dictatorial regime of President Ferdinand E. Marcos. More than a defiant show of unity—markedly, against a totalitarian rule that had time and again proven that it would readily use brute force against any and all dissenters—People Power was a reclaiming of liberties long denied. The millions that gathered for the 1986 People Power Revolution—the culmination of a series of public protests, often dispersed if at all given leave—was a nation wrestling itself, as one, back from a dictator.” It was a time wherein the act of Bayanihan which has been taught to us time and time again came to life.

The revolution was a result of the long oppressed freedom and the life threatening abuses executed by the Marcos regime. One of the major abuses by the regime was the human rights violations done during the tyrannical Martial Law Proclamation in 1972. In the years that followed, Martial Law started the suppressive and abusive years for Filipinos. There were many recorded incidents of assassination more particularly to those who opposed the government, individuals and companies alike. The Filipinos reached the line when former Senator Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino, Sr. was shot and killed at the airport on August 21, 1983, upon his return to the Philippines from exile in the United States. Aquino’s death marked the day that Filipinos learned to fight. His grieving wife, Corazon Cojuangco-Aquino showed the Filipinos and the world the strength and courage to claim back democracy that Ferdinand Marcos arrested for his personal gain. Considering the depressing economy of the country, Ninoy’s death further intensified the contained resentment of the Filipinos. In efforts to win back his popularity among people, Marcos held a snap presidential election on February 7, 1986, where he was confronted with a strong and potent opposition: Corazon Aquino. It was said to be the most corrupt and deceitful election held in the Philippine history. There was an evident trace of electoral fraud as the tally of votes were declared with discrepancy between the official count by the COMELEC (Commission on Elections) and the count of NAMFREL (National Movement for Free Elections). Such blatant corruption in that election was the final straw of tolerance for Filipinos. The demonstration started to break in the cry for democracy and the demand to oust Marcos from his seat in the palace. The revolt commenced when Marcos' Defense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile and the Armed Forces Vice-Chief of Staff command of Fidel V. Ramos, both withdrew their support from the government and called upon the resignation of then President Marcos. They responsibly barricaded Camp Crame and Camp Aguinaldo and had their troops ready to combat against possible armed attack organized by Marcos and his troops. It was a day most remembered when the people who rallied for freedom held flowers in their hands to give to soldiers barricading them. It was peaceful, resilient, and lasting just like the faith of Filipinos is. 

Remember this historic day by doing something special. The Malagos Garden Resort buffet is one of the many things you can do to celebrate and remember a momentous day for the Philippines. Celebrate 35 years of EDSA at no less than Malagos Garden Resort, the best place to celebrate holidays in Davao City! What are you waiting for? Book that much deserved treat to you and your family at and make sure to subscribe to our newsletter. We have so many more offers waiting for you!