5 Reasons Why Outdoors Are Stress Relievers

Stressful MECQ Thoughts?

As the COVID-19 outbreak and far consequences play out across the world and in our community, it's typical for individuals to have a range of ideas, feelings, and responses, like anxiety, agitation, and a lack of interest in enjoyable activities. Everyone in the family could get affected but there are a few things you may do to help.

Spending time in a Davao Nature Resort can help you relax, improve your mood, and increase your sense of contentment and calmness. Nature not only improves your emotional well-being, but it also contributes to your physical well-being by lowering blood pressure, heart rate, muscular tension, and the generation of stress chemicals. Here are reasons why outdoors relieve stress:

Malagos Garden Resort
  • New Setting

Generally we get stressed staying at one place. Our mind associated the place with bad omen. Nature deprivation, or a lack of time spent in nature as a result of hours spent in front of a television or computer screen, has been linked to depression. 

Naturally our body would seek a way out of the sensed danger that is to have a verge of going out even if we are not allowed to. You would need a family resort in Davao city that atleasts projects the color green of nature and atmosphere.

  • Nature is calming

Nature assists us in coping with discomfort. We are engaged by nature sceneries and diverted from our pain and anguish because we are genetically designed to find trees, plants, water, and other natural components intriguing. Bringing in the fresh air and soft sunlight in our villas do just the trick. 

We are a Davao Staycation resort that aims to allow people to rediscover nature in their own way of walking around the resort. The koi ponds are very much open for feeding. Feel the water with them as you lower your hand full of koi food in the pond. 

  • Reduced Hormonal Imbalance

Being outdoors reduces stress by lowering the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol levels will dramatically reduce after a twenty-minute outdoors exposure. They decline at their fastest pace if you spend 20 to 30 minutes engaged in a natural experience, either sitting or walking. Additional de-stressing effects accrue after that, although at a slower rate.

  • Nature Evokes Positive Emotions

Hiking, gardening, and birding are examples of outdoor activities that strengthen the human-nature bond and promote pleasure. These activities distract us from ill and toxic thoughts in our mind.

Instead of hiking, walking around the resort and enjoying the view is possible provided that health protocols are followed. While on your way to wherever, potted plants around are also for sale and if you are interested in keeping it you can ask advice from our nursery gardeners for tips and tricks on how to take care of your plant.

Birding or bird watching with a senior bird watcher and well experienced bird watchers is possible every 1st Saturday of the month at 4am. Your experience of looking out for birds and owls with simple barnoculars isn’t gonna be like being at the bird dome. With our senior bird watcher keeping an eye on once in a lifetime seen bird activities. 

Malagos Garden Resort
  • Nature Connects People

We may feel connected to nature once we get to interact with it. A lot of beneficial psychological changes happen just like when we are listening to music, rhythm and tone. Nature brings us beyond our social consciousness of communion with the environment. It calls to mind that people around us are people we have to keep in touch with.

The Best Place to #ReconnectWithNature

A common Hotel and Resort within Davao City will never be the same as Malagos Garden Resort where one could experience a relaxing staycation not in front of walls and buildings that end your view. But rather have the endless why and boundless green leaves at your eyesight. Explore more on what we could offer than just accommodation and fancy nature at Malagos Garden Resort | Davao Resort.