3 Reasons Why You Should Visit Our Butterfly Sanctuary

To become a butterfly, a caterpillar goes through a major transition, commonly known as metamorphosis which can take up to 30 days. The caterpillar stays in a cocoon throughout the procedure and emerges as a lovely butterfly at the end. One of the signature experience when you get to visit Malagos Garden Resort, Davao’s Best Nature Resort is seeing and interacting with lots of butterflies.

Learning While Having Fun

Learn about the butterflies at the Museo de Mariposa, after leaving this Museum, your thoughts will surely be rejuvenated and satisfied. The cycle of the butterflies from:

The egg stage usually lasts 3-7 days but this can vary quite a bit among different species of butterflies. A very tiny caterpillar hatches from the egg. The first meal for most caterpillars is the eggshell. The caterpillar is designed to be an “eating-machine” and before it begins to pupate it will increase its body mass thousands of times. The transition stage, when the caterpillar is full grown and stops eating, it becomes a pupa. The pupa of butterflies is also called a chrysalis. When a butterfly emerges from a chrysalis its wings are crumpled. The butterfly will hang with its wings down and will begin pumping the wings full of fluids from their body to straighten them out. Then the butterfly must wait several hours for the wings to harden and dry before it can fly away.

The museum, on the other hand, highlights different butterfly-related facts, trivia, items, and audio-visual presentations.

Be Fascinated at the Butterfly Sanctuary

In a large net dome, you can interact with lots of beautiful butterflies. Be stunned by the butterflies in the Butterfly Sanctuary at Malagos Garden Resort. It's like in a magical fairytale land seeing those pretty, angel-like wings flying around you. Capture lots of photographs when they decide to land and play with you. The ecologically minded facility raises species, collects endemic species and breeds these butterflies for their continuous existence. 

Let the Rice Paper Kite Butterfly Perch on You

One of the species of butterfly you can see at the Butterfly Sanctuary at Malagos Garden Resort is the Rice Paper Kite Butterfly, this is also known as Idea leuconoe for its Scientific Name. The white tree nymph (Idea leuconoe) is a butterfly (or diurnal lepidopteron) belonging to the swallow-tail family (Nymphalidae). When fully grown these butterflies have a wingspan measuring between 95 and 115 millimetres. Slightly transparent and white, their wings have black veins. There are also black spots spread all over the wings, but mostly to be found along the outer edges of the front wings.They can reach an age of between 19 and 104 days. Be fascinated with their beautiful wings, fluttering flight, and graceful ways  at the Butterfly Sanctuary.

Butterflies remind us of the magical transformation that is inspiring in so many ways. It teaches us that change even though it takes time, and can be a little difficult in the beginning can lead to beautiful results. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date. For inquiry email at reservations2@malagos.com or call (+6302) 224 7438 / (+63917) 624 5727.