Safe Weddings at Malagos

Before the Covid-19 outbreak, a wedding was viewed as a lovely occasion when you love to get people together in one day to celebrate a moment of life at the best Davao wedding venue that is available. These days, when we receive a marriage invitation, we cannot help but feel agitated: "Is it all OK when I skip the marriage? Would it be unreasonable? Would it be safe to be with so many people?" our most frequent worry would definitely be.

There are very specific things the Malagos Garden Resort gives great attention to for couples who plan their wedding celebrations during the epidemic. Not only will this be the Best Wedding packages in Davao City or beneficial for ensuring a memorable party, but it will also reassure your visitors about their safety. Here are precautions the Malagos Garden Resort strictly follows to keep everyone safe.

Consider Safety Protocols

Initial safety instructions at events are implemented to guarantee safety for everyone. For example, a compulsory pre-screening survey is recommended for all guests so that every ill guest understands to stay at home. If you have fever/flu symptoms up to 96 hours before the event or are abroad for 14 days prior to marriage, you should be informed that you should stay at home. There is also a no-touch policy (kiss, shake or embrace) in certain relationships. 

The resort has a lot of sanitation facilities and alcohol stands to utilize, at all entrances and exits they are a priority for venues. The event crew shall also cooperate with the ceremony and reception center to guarantee the cleaning and sanitizing of the bathrooms during the event. This includes fences, doors, microphones, and other items in the resort.

The Ideal Method to Eat During The Reception

Food is one of the most important aspects of any occasion. It is not only a priority by the host as a sign of hospitality but it is also crucial in creating an excellent socialization environment for the guests. The food at the wedding reception will definitely make everything so much better with the Malagos trademark ingredients.

Regrettably, food has now become a major worry to couples who wish to celebrate their marriage amid the pandemic. During such a huge event, you may practically not offer any meals, but at the same time, it might be a hazardous decision.

Malagos Wedding Venue

Our main objective is safety. At the Malagos Garden Resort, we serve plated dishes to each table with meals all carefully crafted by hand from ingredients sourced sustainably and locally. This sort of artisan hospitality service makes your wedding reception feel more homey and welcoming without compromise of everyone’s safety and confidence. Above all, other mandatory protocols are strictly followed by our inhouse waiters and kitchen staff

Be Creative

Some couples now want to be married, so they scale back and have a virtual wedding at different locations via a service such as Zoom. For those of you who can't attend, some couples choose to live the wedding. Couples may now book to get married and for next year you may reserve the whole reception! 

Taking advantage of a garden wedding package in Davao with amazing videos and streaming cameras would make your wedding enchanting and very millennial for going with the trend. Although we want to invite every friend or family member to our big day, it is better to take safety steps during the epidemic. Fortunately, we live in a world in which technology can link anything effortlessly.

Wherever you want to celebrate occasions, the Malagos Garden Resort may offer a wedding package that takes care of all your weddings needs. However, one final piece of advice for every couple that navigates this difficult period. The aim of the wedding is to rejoice with your loved ones and family, the couple and their love story. We urge pairs to prepare ahead, continue to be motivated and inspired, and share their stories.

You know that your wedding is feasted and celebrated like wild as soon as we can all assemble! Ready for the occasion and arrange for the finest wedding ever at the Garden Resort in Malagos. Schedule a reservation now and celebrate your grand feast with us!