Malagos Garden Resort | Davao Resort

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Malagos Fluffy Pancakes: Satisfying Way To Start Your Day

Everyone handles their morning in a unique way. Some folks wake up eager to begin their day. Others like to begin their day gently. Whatever way you choose to start your day, there are activities you can do here at the Malagos Garden Resort to make every day a good one.

A good morning routine will help you feel relaxed, alert and energized. Starting your morning on the right foot means creating a feeling of happiness that you can carry with you all day long. Your morning routine should include not only getting ready, but also making space for feeling joy and feeling mentally and physically prepared to take on whatever the world has in store for you.

Get enough sleep.

I understand it is hard to sleep early when you love night swimming at a Davao city swimming pool resort like Malagos Garden Resort. However, an exhausted person isn’t a happy person. Nothing kills happiness faster than a weary and unpleasant morning. If you don't get enough sleep at night, you're likely to wake up tired and annoyed. It's difficult to have a cheerful attitude when all you want to do is get back into bed.

Spending a night at the resort will definitely give you enough sleep. When you are having trouble going to sleep, the ambiance of the resort’s rooms will definitely pull you to the bed and magically bring you into deep sleep. Be excited to sleep to grab a long search at google of ‘pancakes near me’ on the next day.

Wake up grateful.

Having a thankful attitude when you get up ensures that your day begins on a pleasant note. A cheerful heart is a thankful heart. Spending a few moments when you first open your eyes to look at where you are now. Observe how the room in the resort is so pleasing and satisfying to be at. Perhaps this has something to do with your reconnection with nature in the resort.

Recognize how wonderful this moment is and how wonderful it is to be at the Malagos Garden Resort. Today is a gift, and you may do with it anything you choose. You can choose to make the most of it. You have the option of being joyful. More so will you be grateful after tasting our lovely pancakes.

Nourish your body

You’ve heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and it’s true. Eating breakfast jump-starts your metabolism and gets your body and mind prepped for a busy day. For a quick, handy and healthy breakfast try out our new soft and fluffy pancakes of different flavors.

We have Chocolate Pancakes made from Malagos Chocolate to certify that it is more than the chocolate chip pancakes that you know. It is completely different when paired with Malago world class Chocolate, butter, and honey.

Banana Pancakes is an alternative option if you want to have a new flavor for your pancakes. It comes with some banana, honey and butter.

Remain with the Classic Pancakes we always have. Just a plain old pancake with powdered sugar, butter, a bit of whip cream and honey. 

Now you don’t have to go elsewhere to find that satisfying sleep and mornings. Come over for breakfast indulge yourself with the best pancakes that would give you the best mornings you will ever have. Call us now and make a reservation!