Reward Your Employees Amazing Performance With

Everyone enjoys receiving freebies, and millennials are no different. People are eager to work extremely hard for the organizations that hire them, but people look for rewards other than increased pay. A trip to a Davao Nature Resort could even do the trick.

From generation to generation, salaries have declined while hours have climbed. They want to love their jobs and receive a fair wage. From healthcare to flexible schedules to personal development and student payback schemes, millennials expect more from their professions than previous generations did - and why shouldn't they?

Given how difficult it is to retain staff, it is now more crucial than ever to understand what employees desire. Here are employee incentive program ideas to help your employees be happier, more productive, and stay longer. 

Offer Career And Personal Development

Sometimes when an employee is continuously good at their job it may show their mastery level and repetition of the same work everyday with a perfect mastery could be boring. It may lead to thinking whether there is something more than the mastered field in hand.

Resorts in the Davao City area help in a factor of realizing the development that your program is trying to present. For instance, the malagos creek has a spot to sit and think about life hearing nothing but the flowing water and the wonderful birds chirping.

Pizza Party

Pizza is one of the most comfortable food options to go for as a reward for a great job at work. Malagos Garden Resort is open for ordering a brick oven pizza. It offers its own set of advantages; it is both cost-effective, and offers you that distinct authentic taste. It is cost effective since it can cook more than one pizza at a time and other dishes besides pizza may be cooked inside. It saves time since things cook faster, resulting in healthier ingredients and better-tasting pizza. Not only that, but your coworkers will be blown away by the explosion of flavors and texture! What are you waiting for? Order the Malagos Pizza today! Contact us to order through Pasugo Delivery Services today.

Let Them Eat Cake

Rewarding cakes can be a wonderful showpiece at any event; not only are they physically beautiful, but they may also be tasty. Every occasion calls for a different type of cake that are all available here at Malagos Homegrown Cafe and Malagos Garden Resort. Order a whole cake in advance now or grab a slice enough to solve your daily sweet tooth cravings. 

Incentives: Giveaways, gift cards, and vouchers

Instead of rewarding cash to your exemplar employees why not provide something that they would surely enjoy. Malagos Garden Resort offers gift cards and vouchers as giveaways for companies who wish to reward their employees.

Cash rewards are often associated with additional compensation and disappear into the family budget. This begins to take away from the positive feeling of being rewarded for performance.

Incentives are used to reinforce positive behaviors and drive specific results, so the participant must remember why they were rewarded. Gift cards create an experience participants will remember and provide them with something tangible. This turns into a lasting reminder of their achievement while cash is often forgotten about. Gift card purchases give off guilt-free spending. Gift cards allow participants to treat themselves with a fun experience or item they wouldn’t have paid for otherwise.

Give off that amazing reward for the great job your employee has done. Life is not only about the long term rewards. Constant and continuous short term rewards are always needed to keep off that short term and fleeting tiring feeling of repetitive working for every employee. Relieve it all with the Best Resort Accommodation in Davao City and call us now so we can show you what we can offer for you.