The Bounty of Harvest in the City

Back in the day, the ethnic tribes of Davao would come together to celebrate abundant crops, performing rituals that paid tribute to the nature gods. To date, we may no longer practice the said rituals but we are all keen on the science of how crops grow and agriculture.

More than the grandeur and the color agriculture brings, it is also equally important to give honor to our local farmers during this time. It was because of their diligence in growing and cultivating the lands that we were able to enjoy such bounty. Here are three of the main reasons why in the peak of this all, we must always choose to support local and buy local

To you it is a way of giving back. Our local farmers are most probably one of the most unsung heroes we have in our fight against the virus. Everyday they tend to the farms and make sure to have fresh, homegrown produce to serve for the public. Through these fresh produce, we are able to strengthen our immune system giving us a fighting chance against the rapid spread of the virus. Since locally grown food is more likely to be fresher and healthier because it does not need to travel far in order to be served, each fresh produce is packed with vitamins and minerals you and your family need for the week.  

To our local farmers, it is a chance to get by. More likely than not, one thing that we have learned along the way is that: our local farmers are providing for you in as much as they are providing for their family. Thus, one small act of kindness will resonate in more ways than you can imagine. 

To the local economy, it is growing and rising together. Earlier this month, the Philippines announced that our local economy has plummeted down for a total of two consecutive quarters already. One way to keep it going is to make sure that we keep the money circling in our community. So make sure to buy from local platforms that support our local farmers just like the Malagos Homegrown Produce. 

For this year, as much as the Malagos Garden Resortsupports local farmers with you, your safety is our priority. This is nowDavao resorts new normal and it is something that we are slowly trying to come to terms with. For the meantime, may you still celebrate Kadayawan with us through our fresh, homegrown produce and signature products. Simply head on to the Malagos Homegrown Produce, order what you need, and enjoy the burst of local flavors in every bite. Join our cause. Stay home, stay homegrown, and make sure to always support our local farmers. See you around!