Zero-Waste Month: Why You Should Lead a Zero-Waste Lifestyle Now

Do you notice how we’re experiencing more unexpected weather changes and extreme effects from typhoons these days? Yes, experts have now dubbed this phenomenon “The Climate Crisis” and it is real. If we don’t act now, it might be too late for humanity. A report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change states that we only have over a decade to control our carbon emissions before the effects become irreversible.

We all have a role to play in saving and preserving the only planet that we are living in. Together with our ambassadors, partners, and guests, Malagos Garden Resort, a farm resort located in Davao City, is dedicated to fostering a carbon-free, zero-waste community- one green initiative at a time. And we want you to be onboard on this advocacy and continue it in your home, workplace, and or community!

According to Presidential Proclamation no. 760 signed in 2014, January is officially mandated as the Zero-Waste Month in the country. But we can all definitely agree that every month should be zero-waste month. Now you’re probably wondering, what do I do now? Here are some of the initial steps that you can take: 

  • Reusable water flasks, straws, and cutleries are in, single-use plastics are out! Rehydrate and feast without the guilt of piling up on your carbon footprint.

  • Make it a habit to bring and use a reusable or eco shopping bag in your next trip to the grocery store. 

  • Practice trash segregation by setting up bins for recyclable items and biodegradable or compostable waste. One of our green initiatives is turning compostable waste into fertilizers that help grow our plants and green produce inside the resort.

The journey to a zero-waste and sustainable planet begins with the green initiatives that we implement in our home and community. Now you’re ready and on your way to a lifestyle change that can be of a bigger impact to the society. Together, let us be part of the solution and not of the pollution. For more stories on our green initiatives, follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @malagosgardenresort.