Posts in biodiversity preservation
How to Identify Birds At the Malagos Garden Resort Bird Watching

We first have to understand that bird watching is not just about the right gear pack you have prepared. It is more on the attitude of waiting for the perfect moment that satisfies our own hearts longing for authentic natural scenery. Set your mind to forget about time and relax for a Davao bird watching experience.

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Birds Will Miss The Best Veterinarian In Mindanao

We all have a role to play in preserving and saving our environment. Let's make every single day count and do our part in saving the only planet that we live on. Dr. Bo Puentespina Jr., has always advocated on preserving and saving our environment. He expresses his advocacy through his works and deeds as a veterinarian…

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Animals Meet and Greet

For people who have grown up in the city we only see these animals in pictures and perhaps just pieces of these animals set on our tables. Aside from appreciating them in your tummy, see what value they could also be from interacting with them and feeding them personally. Meet and greet animals that keep our tummies full at Malagos Garden Resort…

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5 Activities At The Resort That Would Mark

Whenever we go to tourist spots they always have a signature experience that would show that you have fully experienced what is in that place. A Davao Nature Resort like Malagos Garden Resort has a lot of signature activities that shouldn’t be missed as well. Experience these activities to fully mark your visit at the resort…

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Birds That Could Be Spotted At The Resort

There are many birds that have been spotted in our Davao Family Resort. Some of them we have taken pictures of and some we have not. At some point of a wildlife photographer’s life they have come to a point of just plainly appreciating the beauty of wildlife from resorts in Calinan Davao City…

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Koi Cafe Dinner With The Wonders Of The Night

Sometimes you just can’t get enough from a Davao Nature Resort for all its attractions. When everything goes good we just want to stay put on that moment and just internalize how amazing that moment was. It is like eating at the Koi Cafe and at the same time how can you internalize how amazing dinner is going to be if you got a night bird show called ‘Wonders of the Night’…

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Malagos Bird Care: Feed. Interact. Learn.

All animals at the resort are not captured to utilize or to be amused at. All of them actually are rescue animals and domestic animals that need care for protection and preservation. With all the small birds like parakeets or cockatiels and large birds we have taken care of. Here are our special ways of taking care of our birds…

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Biggest Koi Fishes You Could Ever Own!

With all the huge koi fishes we have on our koi ponds, there’s no doubt one of those fishes caught your attention. You have a feeling of being very distant, being world apart but you’d feel in love and deeply attached with this fish. This shows that love does not only communicate through physical touch. If you plan to take that fish for the love of your life Here are tips and tricks on how to pick the best koi fish that you are looking for…

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Tree planting improves the quality of life - not only for humans but for birds and insects too!

Go away from your house and we promise that you're not far from a tree; unless of course you're in the desert. We are surrounded by a vast array of diverse kinds, from pine and oak to willow and ash. Our floral plants and tree planting activity in Davao City focuses on giving butterflies a bountiful of nectars to drink from blossoms on flowering plants which YOU planted at the developing butterfly highway beside the Malagos creek…

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Anticipate The New Scented Garden At Malagos Garden Resort

Malagos Garden Resort is currently planting scented flowers in a large garden! The Legacy Villa facing the scented garden will smell the fresh air and soft ambiance of a the fresh flowers. We have our garden positioned about 10 meters away from the Legacy Villa. In this way when the wind breeze is towards the villa and the flowers are blooming at its peak, you can smell the ambrosial smell of the flowers in the villa with open doors.

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Discovering Five of the Most Sought-After Trees at Malagos

Malagos Garden Resort is a well-known Nature Friendly resort in Davao for its amazing landscape and our amazing biodiversity that allows plants to help one another to grow. We have flourishing trees with different colors that are best used to add color in our lives.

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