Healing Powers of a Pool with Koi

Malagos Garden Resort

Different kinds of water sounds have long been used in meditation to create a soothing atmosphere that relaxes and comforts people. Science suggests that the rhythm of ocean waves and tides coming in and out can affect the rhythm of the neuronal “waves” in our brain, encouraging a more peaceful pace of thought. Some scientists consider the sounds of water as “white noise,” in which everyone can hear different things. But we are all able to let go of our thoughts and let the sound clean us. When placed in this situation, we are more in the present and can control our thoughts. In the midst of all this chaos, a nature wellness resort  like the Malagos Garden Resort, can be a safe haven. 

For our reopening, we will be focusing on earth and water elements to give you a grounded sense of calmness while staying with us. To even lighten the mood, we have a variety of Koi fishes to accompany you while you immerse with nature. Koi fish have intrigued and inspired us for centuries. They have been called “living jewels” and “swimming flowers” for their physical beauty. They are also rich with symbolic significance, especially in Asian cultures. But what is it about them that makes us feel more relaxed than ever?

They give us a picture of tenacity. Koi fish are known for their ability to climb rushing streams and waterfalls until they reach their destination. They are determined fighters that do not give up. When faced with a strong current, they willfully do their best to reach on the other side. This is why they exude a certain kind of strength in the way they maneuver their body in water. In addition to their beauty, koi are known for being very courageous. They face challenges head-on without backing away, and this allows them to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. 

They are believed to give wealth and abundance. Koi are also associated with financial advancement and success. This is in part because larger koi can be quite expensive. Their elegant forms and radiant colors also convey richness and opulence. They’re adorned with bright colors that can include yellow, orange, gold, white, black, silver, and a calico mix. Being in a place near them will also create a sense of a rich and vibrant environment. 

They represent family strength. Japanese festivals have honored koi for their positive qualities in connection with family strength and development. Specific koi colors represent each family member and they are emblematic of solidarity, harmony, and unity. If you closely look at Koi fishes, they all live in a peaceful harmony no matter the difference in their color and sizes. 

Lastly, Koi symbolizes a willingness to stand out from the crowd. Their determined nature embodies both creative self-expression and a fighting spirit. This is the reason why when you are near a pool with Koi, you tend to be more creatively expressive and organized. 

Koi fish embody a quiet beauty and mystery that’s both peaceful and intriguing. A Davao nature resort-like Malagos offers the same relief. Marvel in healing and sustainable experiences with us. Surely, we are one  “healing resort near me” that will not only nourish the body but also the soul. We are reopening our doors very soon and we cannot wait to see you again!