Fighting the Pandemic in the Hospitality Industry


The global spread of COVID-19 has impacted severely not just our personal lives but our professional lives as well. The hospitality industry is in a downturn caused by a domino effect: cities and regions are on lockdown, people are afraid or are restricted to go anywhere, businesses and organizations are canceling corporate travels and events. This drastic decrease in demand means less work for hospitality staff, local farmers, PUVs, and those directly involved in the chain which results in reduced income, or worse-- the possibility of losing their jobs aside from the possibility of contracting the virus. 

For some brands, it’s about reallocating budget to prepare for the impending recession. For SMEs, however, it’s about managing the worst. The priority should be to look ahead, prepare for recovery, and put your people in the best of your interests. 

Look for New Ways to Sustain Your Greatest Asset – Your People.

As the local tourism office has already published a mandate encouraging restaurants to close dine-in services, partnering with logistics services and third-party delivery businesses may be of help. Consider a paradigm shift to the online realm. Waiters can substitute as riders or delivery guys. 

Be A Person For Others.

It helps to try and negotiate with your supplier to cut back on your expenses during these difficult times and it is proper that you return the gesture to other businesses as well. It’s not only the hospitality industry that is struggling. This pandemic has taken its toll to all of our fellow MSMEs (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises).

Negotiate flexible terms with your suppliers and providers. Be on the lookout for businesses that may need help or offer packages and services that best complement yours. Establish a partnership or community with other businesses by joining social media groups and pages. Everyone is affected, but if we continue to be a person for others, then we win this battle as one.

We should always continue to think of ways on how to contribute to this fight. What does the community need most right now? Proper nourishment despite being quarantined at home. Brands can make use of online shopping and food deliveries to make it more convenient for their customers. This pandemic doesn’t require cutting the supply chain entirely but doing little changes for the safety of all.

To brands who have their employee’s welfare to think, to young entrepreneurs who’ve just started and are taken aback by the enormity of this plight, to our local farmers, PUV drivers, sari-sari store, rolling store, and street stall owners, craft and souvenir makers, and anyone whose source of living have been affected-- Malagos Garden Resort is one with the rest of the world in fighting this battle as we continue to sustain our local economy. Let us observe and support government mandates and orders, all the while looking out for ways to sustain our own and other businesses that serve as a lifeline to most. Remember that our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall.