Eating Healthy: Importance of Eating Greens to Protect Yourself From Virus

Malagos Buffet

Older people and those that are immunocompromised are at greater risk to the coronavirus. According to Vox, “Now, that data, along with emerging research from Italy-- the second most affected country in the world-- is showing just how dangerous COVID-19 is for older people, and others with heart, lung, and immunological conditions.”

Although there is no known cure yet nor does consuming certain food prove to be an alternative cure for coronavirus, it helps to prepare by improving your body’s natural defenses to help combat it. You might have already prepared a list of grocery items to buy for your visit to the grocery store given the regional lockdown and it might be worth choosing these items that help boost your immune system:

  • Lettuce. Lettuce provides a significant amount of Vitamin A and K. Although it is low in fiber, it has a high water content, making it a refreshing choice during summer. It also provides Vitamin C- a powerful antioxidant that keeps the immune system healthy, Calcium- which keeps teeth and bones strong, Potassium- a mineral that reduces blood pressure, and Folate- B vitamin that helps make DNA and genetic material, perfect for pregnant women.

  • Cucumber. Cucumbers, like lettuce, have high water content. Similarly, it is refreshing and pleasant to have during the hot season. It helps relieve dehydration and is also used as a main ingredient in beauty products. It also has anti-inflammatory benefits which helps our immune system.

Davao Buffet

Cucumber is rich in Vitamin K which is good for bone health, it contains cucurbitacin which helps prevent cancer by stopping cancer cells from producing and regulates insulin release, and it is also rich in fiber which helps manage cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular problems.

  • Camote tops. Also known as Sweet Potato Leaves, are a great source of Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Iron, Calcium, Zinc, and Protein. These help boost our immune system, enhance digestion, prevent inflammation, enhance eye health, and are a powerful antioxidant with anti-diabetes properties.

  • Poultry. Poultry meat and poultry eggs are known to treat common cold. Intake of warm chicken soup provides relief from a congested nose and sore throat. Benefits also include high protein content, has anticancer properties, rich in vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin D, Vitamin A, and Iron, aids in weight loss, blood pressure control, and cholesterol reduction.

  • Pure Honey. Pure honey is a very good source of antioxidant which helps protect your body from cell damage due to free radicals. Raw honey has been known to kill unwanted bacteria and fungus as it naturally contains hydrogen peroxide, an antiseptic.

Honey is a phytonutrient powerhouse which is responsible for antioxidant properties. It helps heal wounds, soothes sore throat, and aids in digestive issues.

  • French Beans. French Beans are known to contain Vitamins C, A, K, B, E, thiamin and niacin. It also contains minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc. It contains protein that helps maintain healthy bones, hair, organs, and muscles.

Malagos Home Grown Produce
  • Ginger. Ginger contains gingerol, a substance with powerful medicinal properties. It has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. The anti-inflammatory effects help with ostearthritis.

It treats many forms of nausea especially morning sickness, reduces muscle pain and soreness, lowers blood sugar, improves heart disease risk factors, treats chronic indigestion, reduces menstrual pain, lowers cholesterol levels, helps prevent cancer, and helps fight infection.

As always, variety is the key to proper nutrition. Eating only one of these foods won’t be of enough help to fight off the COVID-19 symptoms such as cough, fever, tiredness, difficulty breathing, and flu-like symptoms.

Malagos Garden Resort has made available all these farm fresh, healthy produce through The Malagos Homegrown Produce, an online organic grocery store based in Agdao committed to providing your much needed farm fresh goodness right in the safety of your home. 

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