Win the Fight against Covid-19 by Supporting Local


It may take the best and freshest produce to prepare a good meal. But beyond that, it takes the most passionate farmers to grow, cultivate, and harvest produce which is as meaningful as it is memorable. Needless to say, farmers are the very reason we sleep at night with a happy stomach.


During this pandemic crisis, the agricultural sector’s efforts on keeping the supply chain rolling have become a source of hope and nourishment for the people. Farmers make sure that we don’t starve by supplying our farm-fresh needs despite rigorous logistics, which includes the tedious process of growing, harvesting and transportation of goods from the farm to our tables.

Ever since Covid-19’s outbreak in January, we’ve seen almost all local MSMEs in the food industry transition to online selling. As is the case for farmers’ markets, with ubiquitous social media ads on Davao online local products offering the convenience of door-to-door delivery and flexible payment options. Consumers have in turn easily adapted to this new alternative, as the social distancing and “stay-at-home” rules are continually enforced. It’s a response we took out of the need for self-preservation, but in a different standpoint, we are reducing the negative impacts of the pandemic to the food and agriculture sectors. It is through the simple act of purchasing from local markets instead of commercial ones that we do our part in helping them. It might be a subconscious reaction but definitely the primary reason for sustainability especially at a time like this.

According to a data projection made by Brookings Institution, the COVID-19 crisis could result in a global loss of $2.4 to $9 trillion in gross domestic product this year. Agriculture accounts for one-third of the global gross domestic product and 60% of the world’s population depend on agriculture for their livelihoods. A portion of that population are our hardworking farmers here in Davao City who cultivate and sell locally-grown vegetables and fruits.


Now that we are more conscious of how this domino effect poses a threat to the entire world with no end in sight, it’s safe to say that it is an integral part of our civic duty to uphold the sustainability of the agricultural sector by supporting local produce. Farmers, albeit less featured in the limelight, are also considered frontliners. Just like how doctors, nurses and other members of the healthcare field engage in a battle to save lives, farmers keep us alive by providing food to our tables. 


Malagos Homegrown Produce, one of the most patronized online groceries in Davao City, has always believed and supported local farmers in growing, cultivating, and harvesting the best produce. Malagos continues to support their cause by giving an avenue online where they can continue providing food for local consumers. Davao residents can now buy Malagos products, which are proudly grown and made from the Malagos farm, and other locally-grown vegetables and fruits harvested by farmers on our website: You can also buy Malagos Chocolate, an award-winning artisan chocolate from Davao that has delighted consumers with its distinct tropical and fruity taste.


Inch by inch, we can do our part and rise as a nation against this pandemic. Start your simple act of helping the fight by supporting local now at Malagos Homegrown Produce.