Malagos Garden Resort | Davao Resort

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Lessons from the Quarantined Life

Every crisis brings about invaluable lessons. And if there’s one thing that we learned from the current crisis and previous pandemics, it’s that the world is not prepared for this.


COVID-19 or the Novel Coronavirus is the first pandemic to hit the 21st century but not the first strain of flu to precipitate a dramatic change throughout the world. From a few recorded deaths in its epicenter, in a span of roughly 3 months COVID-19 has quickly surged to more than 2 million cases which have drastically affected 185 countries. It’s not the deadliest compared to the previous pandemics but it definitely is one of the most vicious – considering that the entire world has been brought to a standstill as we continue on in finding the cure.


While medical experts and frontliners are battling it out to contain and treat infected patients, the majority of entire humanity are at home, battling against all sorts of problems – starvation, little to no revenue at all, and mental distraught.  During the first weeks of the outbreak, we were left in a daze on how we could possibly survive this. It’s novel after all; clearly nobody saw this coming. But now that we’re into the nth day of quarantined life, we’ve slowly coped our way through a new normalcy that we were all compelled to adapt to. We may have established new routines to get by, but how are we really faring so far? It can be hard to see the bright side of this ordeal but in each day that we wake up to an addition to the already notorious number of cases, we have no other option but to try.


We learned the importance of healthy eating


Medical experts and frontliners can’t stress this enough – stay at home and keep a healthy lifestyle to boost the body’s immunity against the deadly virus. In response, the supply chain in the agricultural sector made the necessary course of action to implement this directive in the most convenient way possible. Some opted to limit the number of customers in the store, while some such as Malagos Homegrown Produce. resorted to digitalization. Either way, these were the measures taken to make healthy and locally-grown vegetables and fruits available for everyone – which do not only cause a direct impact on our well-being but as well as in local economic sustainability.

Home Isolation isn’t that bad


It’s not as bad as you think it is. You probably just need a little guide on making the most out of your time at home. Take a break off the social media grid at least for a couple of hours in the day and do something that will take your mind off of things. Try gardening and re-growing your kitchen scraps. Spend quality time with your family through fun activities like an indoor scavenger hunting, cooking competition, or simply sharing a good conversation with them over merienda in your yard.


If you’re feeling a little extra, set up a healthy meal plan for the family – especially for your picky toddlers or siblings. Buy fresh vegetables and baked loaf bread from the Malagos Homegrown Produce and enjoy farm-fresh finds with your loved ones. Nutrients from handpicked produce are the best kind of nutrient-source in the market right now. Get creative and sneak in all those hated veggies into a flavorful and equally healthy lunch.

We don’t exactly know when this will all be over but one thing’s for sure, we’re going to keep the lessons from our quarantine lives forever. In the meantime, enjoy the freshness of Davao online local products at the Malagos Homegrown Produce as we learn little by little the lessons that this quarantine continues to give us.