Malagos Garden Resort | Davao Resort

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Homegrown Culinary Flavors that will Rekindle Delightful Memories

Shopping and treating ourselves with savory dishes is certainly one way to relieve our stress during this time of heightened standards for community health and safety.

Eating restaurant food at home requires a change of mindset – from enjoying the entire atmospheric experience of dining out to simply appreciating the food in the cozy atmosphere of our homes. And after months of countless food deliveries, our favorite local joints or restaurants are still dropping new DIY meals, ready-to-eat, and other new stuff for us to enjoy. The best part? It’s like getting the dining out experience with that same great taste from their special gourmet selections.

Malagos Gourmet Dishes that Rekindle Memories

In one 2014 study published in the Journal of Neuroscience, researchers not only found a direct link between taste memory and the area of the brain responsible for encoding the time and place we experienced said taste, but the taste is also associated with strong memories of being in a particular scenario where something good or bad occurred.

We all have such dishes. Perhaps it's your mother’s hearty and comforting arrozcaldo or your favorite restaurant’s special recipe for spaghetti Al Pomodoro. There's every chance you've enjoyed it so much that after nagging them relentlessly for their recipe, you've recreated it in your kitchen since – the aroma, every bite – reminding you of the good times you've shared.

In the absence of quality face-to-face time with your loved ones, you could simply cook those restaurant-grade dishes that you have shared before the pandemic happened. The mere taste of them could provide comfort with such memories – good, bad, even the hilarious ones. 

Malagos Garden Resort used to share these wonderful memories with our guests at the resort and now we want to continue sharing them with you at home. We recently launched some of our exquisite cuisines via the Malagos Homegrown Produce and we can’t wait to add more Malagos Garden Resort Food Kits to the growing list of hearty “gour-meals” that you can enjoy with your families at home.

And the secret to the delightful flavors of these gourmet meals? Well first and foremost, we only use the best ingredients. The second most important factor is the right combination of ingredients. The third most important factor is the preparation of ingredients in a fitting manner, with a gentle hand. But that process is not exactly a secret, we guess you have to try these online meal kit orders to find out for yourself. 

Here are some of the fine selection of meals that are now available online at the


Freshly baked bread and freshly-harvested greens and produce make the best sandwich and that is an undisputable snack fact. Malagos Homegrown Produce is now delivering this freshness and goodness in our Rancher’s Sandwich Kit which comes with freshly-baked Sourdough Bread, mix of provolone and mozzarella cheese, ham, fresh produce, and the Malagos signature herbed butter. Our signature blend of herbed butter has been a favorite in our lunch buffet’s snacks station.


Want to munch on your favorite comfort food without the guilt? Give in to your cravings with Malagos Homegrown Produce’s Farmhouse Cheeseburger DIY kit. The bundle comes with our homemade patties, assorted veggies, cheese mix, and fresh-from-the-oven brioche buns.


Toss and serve up your very own Malagos farmer’s salad! You can now whip up your own restaurant-grade salad at home with Malagos Homegrown Produce’s Salad DIY kit. It comes with freshly-harvested lettuce from the Malagos Farms plus more fresh produce, and our signature honey-chocolate vinaigrette that we know you’ll surely love! You can even add your own twist to it by adding nuts or other healthy protein.