Posts tagged Malagos Garden Resort Food
The New Normal: A Christmas in the Farm

Faith, family, fun, food, there are a number of “f” words that explain what makes Christmas extraordinary. There is one more word you can add on this list- farm. Fancy a change this Christmas? Why not try spending Christmas with the family on a farm? Nothing beats escaping the rigours of life like a getaway from the hustle of the City.

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A La Carte Station with Malagos

The Malagos Garden Resort food is unlike any other. Which is why it is tagged by most as the best food in Davao and is one of the first places that comes to mind when asked with “where to eat in Davao.” More than a trove of culinary specialties that perfectly capture the Malagos homegrown flavors, we also have exciting activities in store for you.

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Malagos Throwback Thursday: The Abueva Sculptures

The Malagos Garden Resort always takes pride in supporting national and local artists in the country by providing a venue where they can showcase their works. While we are celebrating Kadayawan in the comfort of our homes, may we also remember why we are celebrating this event in the first place.

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Kadayawan 2020: A Look Back of What Has Been

The list of could haves and would haves seems endless. However, coronavirus unexpectedly crawled in our country and is claiming more and more lives by the day. Thus, stringent safety measures had to be applied through cancelling all major activities that involve mass gathering. With this, you may already be starting to wonder, what to do in Davao City for Kadayawan 2020.

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Malagos Chocolate and it's Proudly Local Journey

The Malagos Chocolate may be continuing to make its name in the international arena but it will never alter the fact that we will always return to our grassroots: the local setting. Let us help one another through this trying time and hold each other up. Shop at Malagos Homegrown Produce and indulge in local artisanal products, fresh produce and morel. Let us all stay safe, stay homegrown, and more importantly stay supporting local!

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Mobile Food Trucks as Part of New Normal

Malagos Garden Resort will be offering its ala carte menu, including that of its buffet menu to its mobile food truck using the same farm-to-table vegetable ingredients it uses. This includes some of its signature products such as the international award winning, single-origin Malagos Chocolates and the famous Malagos Farmhouse cheeses in its farm-to-table menu.

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