Malagos Garden Resort | Davao Resort

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Fighting Complacency under the Modified General Community Quarantine

For this month, Davao City has transitioned to a Modified General Community Quarantine. This is not the time to be celebrating. This is the time to be even more vigilant.  The global spread of the coronavirus can be felt everyday in our country. The virus is making a home out of thousands of Filipinos and the only way we can be safe is to be extra careful. 

The Philippines now has more than 70,000 positive coronavirus cases and it is rising by the day. It has claimed lives, jobs, and businesses along the way. Through it all, we strive through. Uncertain still of when this will end, we do everything we can to get by. 

Practice social distancing wherever, whenever. "Social distancing is of clear public health importance. It involves all of us reducing our contacts, irrespective of whether or not we think we are carrying the virus. It means that infected individuals are less likely to transmit the virus, and healthy individuals are less likely to contract it,” this is how Dr. Robin Thompson, a junior research fellow in mathematical epidemiology, eloquently described the importance of social distancing these days. The Department of Health has also emphasized that in order to survive this pandemic, we have to act like we already have the virus. Thus, doing things remotely and in isolation is the new normal these days.

Wear masks, sanitize, and disinfect. Transmission of the virus can be done through the respiratory droplets of an infected person. By wearing masks at all times, it is your protection as much as it is for others. Sanitizing and disinfecting high-touched surfaces is also a must. Studies show that the virus can stay on surfaces for hours. Through regularly sanitizing and disinfecting, we make sure that the virus cannot last in our surroundings. This keeps us and our loved ones safe. 

Stay home, stay homegrown. While most establishments are already opening their doors to the public, it is equally important to stay home, still. In Davao City, 16% of the positive coronavirus cases have an unidentified contact tracing of where they got the virus. This means that the more we go outside the comfort of our homes, the more we may be exposing ourselves to the virus. Since the shift to an Enhanced Community Quarantine, the Malagos Garden Resort focused our energy into becoming an online platform that delivers fresh, homegrown produce to your doorstep. This way, we can make sure that what you order from us gives you au naturale farm-fresh vitamins and minerals to boost your immune system. This is where the Malagos Homegrown Produce budded.

Perhaps you’ve already read these reminders countless times. But it is even more important to embody these today. Following through with the strict rules and regulations of the City, as much as we want to open our doors to you and offer once again experiences refined by nature, your safety is our utmost concern and priority. We will continue to do our part in this fight. For the meantime, keep safe and stay home. Until we see each other again!