Top 10 Plants Every Plantito and Plantita Must Have At Home

Plantitos and plantitas shouldn’t just have any type of plant at their house. Having plants is more than just asking where to buy affordable and quality plants. It has to be more than just aesthetic beauty that is being achieved with plants at home

At the Malagos garden where plants are affordable, observe how the biodiversity of plants contributes to calling out wild birds and butterflies for a visit to these amazing Davao Plants. We recommend 10 plants you must have to achieve not only an aesthetic garden but also a garden that welcomes beautiful birds and butterflies:

Peace Lily

Peace lily houseplants are ideal for the home or workplace. These gorgeous plants not only light up a living area, but they are also great at cleansing the air in the room. These plants are most often found with dark green foliage and white "flowers." The flower, as most people think of it, is actually a specialized leaf bract that develops hooded over the blooms.

Green Pandakaki

These bushes, Tabernaemontana pandacaqui, have white tiny blooms and may be found dispersed in our fallow areas or in smaller thickets under coconut palms. It is so drought-resistant that we may observe it leafless during dry seasons, but it will come again with the next wet season.

Peanut Butter Tree 

Peanut butter is a small, very decorative and tough tropical, perennial evergreen tree or shrub which grows approximately 2-4 m high. This Philippine Native Tree grows in the dry and moist woodlands close to the water, on the dry rocky, lowland, and likes usually moist, fruitful, organically rich soil just like the creek side of the Malagos Garden Resort.

Catmon Seedling 

The catmon tree has its beauty from the white flowers that would average an adult’s pinky finger. Middle part if the flower becomes more catchy for its red color. If you stay for the night you will notice the gorgeous color of these flowers at Malagos Garden Resort.


Spearmint is a perennial herb that spreads by crawling slender stems that grows horizontally along the ground aggressively. The simple, odorous leaves are sharply clamped and placed on the square stems opposite. Spearmint features purple, pink, or white flowers tapering spikes.

Blue Ternate

The butterfly is a strong plant that trails, scratches or climbs. Its thin hairy stems at the base are weak and woody, up to 5 m in length. The flowers are single or paired, deep blue or white with a width of around 4 cm. This is a perfect herb or tea that also acts as a blue food coloring. This is usually added on rice or simply on hot water.

Philodendron Red majesty

This indoor plant is another plant that we recommend. The leaves of this philodendron start with deep orange, shift to scarlet blood and then to deep dark grass with a metallic maroon. This plant is incredibly easy to cultivate and difficult to keep with one color. 

Philo Hope

This beginner-level house plant is perfect for exploring plants. It start out small and fit in a sunny corner; eventually it can grow to be up to five feet tall – and wide! Place your Selloum in a spot where it will receive medium or bright indirect light. This plant does not do well in low light spaces. It can tolerate very high light but may need additional care.


These charming tiny plants have so many variations that they add greatly to your gardens. Their flowers come in numerous colours, from white, yellow, rose and violet tints. There are solid colors and two colours; everything is nice and attractive for butterflies and provides food for them.

Tropical Milkweed

One looks at the vibrant crimson flora of this plant and you can understand why Blood Flower is the right name for this tropical species. As caterpillars, the monarchs like mixing with Blood Flower and many other butterflies enjoy the tasty nectar. Blood Flowers require full light and will contribute to any garden. 

You can grab a seedling of all these plants at Malagos Garden Resort. We have been a Davao nature resort that extends hospitality not only to people but also to the whole environment. Grab your plant now or call us to know what plants we have in store for you.