How to Identify Birds At the Malagos Garden Resort Bird Watching

We first have to understand that bird watching is not just about the right gear pack you have prepared. It is more on the attitude of waiting for the perfect moment that satisfies our own hearts longing for authentic natural scenery. Set your mind to forget about time and relax for a Davao bird watching experience.


Depending on what you will be bird watching there are different bird activities to see. At dawn when the sun is about to rise, birds wake up by then. This is the perfect time to go bird watching. Aside from grabbing a snack of Hot Chocolate and Ensaymada, bird watching could make you feel just as satisfied.


The Most Important Aspect of Bird Identification

Every birder must learn one difficult lesson about bird identification: it is not always possible to identify every bird. Poor lighting, distance, blocked views, and other factors can make determining a bird's identity difficult, but rather than becoming frustrated or giving up, taking advantage of the opportunity to enjoy the birds and appreciate their beauty can keep birding enjoyable and interesting.



Birds Must Be Watched Carefully

Birding (or bird-watching) entails more than simply watching birds. Resorts in Calinan Davao City are full of underrated birds. To identify the species, it is necessary to carefully examine the bird and note key field marks that distinguish the species. Keep an eye out for the following markings and features:

  • Overall color as well as distinctive color patches or washes

  • On the breast, wings, head, and back, there are markings such as stripes, bars, or spots.

  • Size and posture in general, including proportions

  • The size, shape, and color of the bill

  • Tail length and shape (curved, forked, or pointed tail)

  • For most birds, a combination of several of these characteristics can positively identify the species.

Tools That May Help On Bird Identification

Be well-equipped to see birds properly and puzzle out which species is which. Enjoy the hunt at our Davao Family Resort. All birders and bird-lovers need these two key tools:

  • Binoculars: A good pair of binoculars will magnify birds and bring them into good views, showing off colors and field marks so the birds can be identified. Look for binoculars with 8-10 times magnification for the best use, and while there are many different brands available in different price ranges, choosing a better pair will be more useful for dedicated birding. The resort has some barnoculars for rent as well.

  • Field Guide: The Malagos Garden Resort have bird watcher masters as field guides. If you are going alone you will need books to list all birds in a specific region, including photos or illustrations of each species, range maps, and brief descriptions of what key features to look for to identify birds. Good guides will show both male and female birds, as well as juvenile birds that may look different than adults.


Make a reservation and admire the beauty of the biodiversity in Malagos today! Phone calls and chat inquiries on social media are what we always look forward to. We always have one eye waiting for your call. Do not delay! Contact us now!