Koi Cafe Dinner With The Wonders Of The Night

Sometimes you just can’t get enough from a Davao Nature Resort for all its attractions. When everything goes good we just want to stay put on that moment and just internalize how amazing that moment was. It is like eating at the Koi Cafe and at the same time how can you internalize how amazing dinner is going to be if you got a night bird show called ‘Wonders of the Night’.

Wonders Of The Night

As the night approaches you might feel your tummy rumbling or not. You'll need to eat dinner or perhaps find a way to make your tummy hungry. We may also be concerned that your partner does not eat dinner after work but goes directly to bed to sleep. Eat out at a Nature Resort in Davao like Malagos Garden Resort where in the powers of nature consumes all those bad notes in your body.

By 6pm you will have to make it at the Koi Cafe or else you will miss the show Wonders Of The Night. If you can’t get enough of the wonderful birds at our Davao resort, witness different types of birds this time.

If during the day you see lovely colorful birds, at night you’ll see the dark swooping birds of the dark. You don’t get to see owls unleashed and flying around. They hide in the dark and see the dark forest 100x clearer than humans do. This is the time when owls are active and fun to watch.

Take pictures with them, caress their feathers softly with the permission of the bird’s care takers to experience what the Best Resort in Davao can offer. The resort has placed lights strategically so we don’t miss a good picture perfect angle with our lovely owls.

You may see our owls during the day in their nests or perhaps being brought out for a short time. Notice how they squint their eyes? They can’t handle too much light because of their big eyes and maybe because they are also still sleepy. Owls sleep during the day and hunt at night. 

If you happen to pass by an owl's nest, they can’t see clearly during the day. They would most likely see you as a predator and squirm in the nest or attack you. Please be careful and understand that it is just their natural instinct that makes them act so.

We will come back with better and exciting new offers. So if you are looking up for a Davao Family Resort, do check out the Malagos Garden Resort. With our scrumptious feast, breathtaking view, and luscious gardens, it will be one nature experience you won't soon forget. Book a resort in Davao City and make sure to book it with us. Rediscover nature, rediscover Malagos.