Posts tagged Davao city swimming pool resort
Christmas With Your Whole Family Clan At Malagos

Christmas has always been a time for you and your family. Some may spend it alone or perhaps spend it with strangers celebrating Christmas and feel the spirit of Christmas through them. Either way it shows that Christmas is not a time to be spent alone locked up in your room. You will enjoy Christmas if you allow yourself to enjoy the time. Aside from celebrating your family Christmas, make it something more pleasurable by spending Christmas at Malagos Garden Resort…

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What Makes Our Swimming Pool More Relaxing

Have you been trying to come up with new ways to boost your swimming pool experience for you and your family? If that's the case, nothing beats a pool for adding excitement to a brief trip. A pool will provide you with relaxation, peace and quiet, infinite amusement, and beauty, as well as a lifetime of memories that you will not be able to obtain from any other Davao Nature Resort…

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Malagos Fluffy Pancakes: Satisfying Way To Start Your Day

Everyone handles their morning in a unique way. Some folks wake up eager to begin their day. Others like to begin their day gently. Whatever way you choose to start your day, there are activities you can do here at the Malagos Garden Resort to make every day a good one…

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Wedding Plan With Malagos Garden Resort

You're in good hands with us. Just keep one thing in mind: try to have fun! After all, it's your big day. Don't get too caught up in the small things; instead, concentrate on what's actually important: celebrating your love and being married in front of your friends and family…

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Initiating Social Events During GCQ in Davao

Davao City’s new Ordinance places the city under GCQ for the whole month of October. That means social events are finally allowed in a 50% maximum capacity of a certain area. Many people have had to postpone or reschedule important events like weddings, celebrations, and family reunions. Now is the time to make up for all those missed social events and continue your more exciting plants for your company’s team building at Malagos Garden Resort…

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