Malagos Gives You Food Safety in the Age of Corona


So you just got off a flight and is now advised to self-quarantine for 14 days-- can’t be that bad right? You check Facebook and everyone seems to be in panic. You seem to be more worried now than you were days ago when you were sure you’re safe from the virus. You constantly hear everywhere that one of the ways the virus can enter our bodies is through our mouths. Naturally, you start to worry more and ask yourself: can food, then, give me coronavirus?

As of writing, USDA does not have any reports of human illnesses that suggests COVID-19 can be transmitted by food or food packaging. Current studies being shown are based on what experts have learned through similar strains like SARS but nothing that directly offsets COVID-19 to food transmission.

On the bright side, all the food hygiene advice you’ve already probably heard of and what we here in Malagos Garden Resort have long practiced applies the same in food safety preparations during this pandemic. Here are the basic things to remember when preparing your food at home:

Wash your hands the right way. Use plain soap and water. Make sure you wash the back of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails for at least 20 seconds or until you finish the entire “Happy Birthday” song. Wash your hands before, during, and after preparing food. Rinse hands then dry with a clean towel.


If people will wash their hands better, it would significantly improve our nation’s health.

Wash your produce. Cutaway any damaged or bruised areas then rinse under running water without soap, bleach, or commercial produce washes. Dry produce with a paper towel or clean cloth towel.

If packed meat, poultry, or seafood are labeled “pre-washed,” there is no need to wash them further.

Keep your kitchen clean. Wash cutting boards, dishes, utensils, and countertops, with hot, soapy water especially after it has held raw meat, poultry, seafood, or eggs. Wash dishcloths often in the hot cycle of your washing machine. 

Remember to NOT CROSS CONTAMINATE! Use separate cutting boards and plates for your produce. Keep certain types of food separate and observe proper storage for each.

Cook and store at the right temperature. Food is safely cooked when the internal temperature is high enough to kill germs that can make you sick. Keep food hot (140˚F or above) after cooking. Microwave food thoroughly (165˚F or above). 

It’s always best to read package directions for cooking thoroughly and follow them exactly. Also make sure to refrigerate perishable foods within 2 hours.

Be responsible. Coronavirus symptoms include cough, fever, tiredness, difficulty breathing, and flu-like symptoms. If you feel sick or feel any of the following we just mentioned, you shouldn’t be preparing food at all.

With all these safety precautions at the forefront of our food preparation procedures, we ensure our guests that Malagos Garden Resort remains to be 100% COVID-19 free. From ingredients sourcing up to the time, our waiters serve your freshly cooked Malagos Pork Humba among other things, our Food Safety officers see to it that guests can relax knowing that their food is prepared with utmost caution.

In compliance with the Region 11’s mandatory community quarantine, we have closed down our parks and suspended all park shows indefinitely to ensure the public’s safety. However, if you’re having a hard time looking for the best restaurants in Davao City, you may find comfort in the thought that our secluded, crowd-free and alfresco food outlets remain open to serve you your farm-to-table goodness (which by the way is your ground zero defense against the dark arts, that is coronavirus). 

We’re fighting this battle together as one. And in this fight, we may encounter a lot of blunders ignited by different principles and perspectives. But one principle remains for us here in Malagos Garden Resort: safe food saves lives. For reservations, call us at 082 224 7438.