Ensuring Food Safety at the Malagos Kitchen in the New Normal

Malagos Garden Resort Food Preparation

New normal, same old rules. 

We’re weeks into the new normal and now we ask ourselves “What is exactly new in this setup?” Aside from not being able to live our pre-pandemic lifestyle, not much has changed. We’re still advised to do social distancing, disinfect and wash our hands before and after every transaction inside or outside the house, and keep a healthy lifestyle to avoid getting sick.


Cleanliness and disinfection has been the topmost priority in all business establishments and even in our homes since the COVID-19 crisis began. Until now, establishments are employing new ways in keeping their place clean and maintaining their employees’ well-being. Until we find the vaccine that will address this crisis and usher in a COVID-free world; proper disinfection of areas, social distancing, home quarantining and hand washing were and are still the easiest ways in beating the spread of the deadly virus. 


During this time, it is an immense responsibility for establishments in the food and beverage service to deliver clean and carefully-prepared meals and drinks to their consumers. Davao resorts and restaurants have always practiced food safety and now that the “new normal” has amplified the importance of doing this, everyone is being extra cautious now more than ever. Before the pandemic, Malagos Garden Resort has always been keen in practicing food safety in their restaurants and weekend buffets. With meals and produce now being sold online, Malagos Garden Resort is one with the entire nation especially with restaurants and guests in ensuring food safety and double-checking meals and drinks that are being served and delivered. We’re sharing some helpful ways on how we ensure safe and clean food for our customers.


Establishing “new normal” rules in our Kitchen

When our team of chefs and kitchen staff started reporting back for duty, we knew that this new setup would be challenging since we’ve already established and followed a certain culture in practicing food safety. But we also knew that we had to be proactive and be responsible enough to avoid any consequences. We prepared personal protective equipment (PPEs) like face shields, face masks, gloves, and added more disinfectants within the premises. The kitchen team is also doing social distancing while executing their tasks. Aside from making sure that the premises are disinfected and properly cleaned before and after their shifts, the team also makes sure to properly clean and prepare produce which were freshly-harvested from the farm. 

Bringing in the Old but Gold Ways

Aside from employing the “new normal” rules, our team is still practicing and employing some good old ways in ensuring food safety and cleanliness. The team is still following a preventative control plan which identifies food contamination hazards and contains preventative steps for eliminating risk of foodborne illnesses. The team also makes sure to label kitchen equipment and produce’s/product’s shelf life to ensure proper rotation and preparation of food. We also make sure that the place is properly ventilated and that all items are properly stored- produce that needs to be chilled are in a clean freezer/ refrigerator and the rest are properly stored and compartmentalized in dividers.

We know how much you want to freely travel in Davao after the pandemic but the truth is, we’ve got a long way to go. Malagos Garden Resort and Malagos Homegrown Produce is here to help ease the burden of the quarantine measures imposed to us right now. Shop for value-for-money healthy essentials and have them safely prepared and delivered by our team to you. Your healthy, safe, and clean food, produce, and products are on us!