Posts tagged Davao Resort and Restaurant
5 Sunday Activities We Miss at Malagos

They say that nostalgia is missing what once was. As the famous novelist, Marcel Proust puts it “Remembrance of things past is not necessarily the remembrance of things as they were.” It has been months since we closed our doors to ensure your safety. Very soon, the Malagos Garden Resort will soon offer experiences refined by nature to you again. With this, here are five of the infamous Sunday activities in the resort that we all miss.

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Repurposing Malagos Garden Resort into a Farm

Davao Resort 2020 may be cancelled but the important thing is that you're keeping yourselves and your family safe and healthy. The best resort to visit in Davao City may have to wait but as soon as this will be over, Malagos Garden Resort is here to welcome you once again and take you to experiences refined by nature.

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