Farmers and the Stay Homegrown Campaign

Support Local Farmers

The stay home, stay homegrown campaign by the Malagos Garden Resort budded from the need to keep you safe. On September 14, a relaxed physical distancing in public transport was rolled out. The DOTr said the distance between passengers will be initially reduced to 0.75 meters below the one-meter distance recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). This will be further adjusted after two weeks to 0.5 meters starting September 28, then to 0.3 meters on October 12, to allow for optimization of ridership. With all these gradual changes, it can be easy to assume that everything is going back to normal. Here is an important reminder: it is not. Strict healthy and safety measures should still be observed, now more than ever. As appealing as it sounds to be able to go out of our houses and go to public places, staying home and staying homegrown is still the way to go. 

Staying home and staying homegrown means supporting and buying produce’s grown in the local gardens of our hometown while safely staying at home. To put it simply, it is a small and meaningful act of supporting our local farmers. By staying home and staying homegrown, we are:

Supporting local farmers by buying local. Local businesses and farmers are our neighbors! This is why they feel more accountable to the local community. Not to mention that by buying from them, we are also helping the environment because they often have smaller carbon footprints than larger companies and plantations. 

Making sure our safety is guaranteed. Most of our farmers’ new normal entails proper sanitation and disinfection of their produce, as well as equipping themselves with proper protective equipment. In choosing homegrown movements, not only are the produce locally sourced, the manpower is also in-house. From farmers to delivery drivers. This means they have full control and monitoring of where these people go. 

Building local communities. Locally grown food from our farmers help build communities. Because when you buy from them, you are building a relationship while supporting local farmers to get by. We must always acknowledge the fact that the farmers are providing for us in as much as they are providing for their families.  

Leaning towards fresher and healthier choices. If food is shipped from far flung places, most of its freshness along with the rich vitamins and minerals it has will be lost. Far from when it is sourced locally, farm fresh goodness and nutrients can be reaped in each one. So you can be certain of a richer taste in every dish you make. 

Join Malagos Garden Resort in our call to support local farmers and businesses in our City. Known as one of Davao’s best resorts, we made sure to bring the bounty of Malagos closer through the Malagos Homegrown Produce. Very soon, the resort will be re-opening our doors to you again. Watch out for more fun and exciting experiences refined by nature. Be always in the know through our website and be the first to rediscover the wonders of Malagos. See you really soon!