Post Valentine Hangover at Malagos Garden Resort


Malagos Garden Resort is a family nature resort in Davao that is here to make your February a one to remember.  A romantic destination in Davao that will surely leave your loved one breathless, Malagos Garden Resort has quite the tricks up our sleeves. To know more about our offers, we have rounded up three of our favorite couples who stayed in the resort. 

Ms. Jennifer Mise-Paraiso says that: Our 1st Valentine's Day as husband and wife

There is nothing more inspiring for us than to know that you chose to spend some of your firsts with us. It doesn’t even end there! This lovely couple even took the time to document their experience. When you choose to spend your day here at Malagos Garden Resort, expect a refined experience with nature that will bring you closer to your loved ones. The  Malagos Bird Feeding Dome for one gives you the chance to see birds fly around the dome up close. Malagos Garden Resort’s Deluxe Rooms are also one of the greatest deals you can enjoy around here. With a balcony overlooking the Malagos Creek, it is one sight you don’t want to miss. On top of all these, they were also able to enjoy the bonfire at night as well as the scrumptious heart shaped Malagos chocolate cake for dessert. How awesome was that? 

Ms. Lalaine L. Toledo says that: In the time of test family is best


Mr. Genesis Domingo says that: Special night for my 2 Lovely girls in my life. Mahal na mahal ko kayong dalawa


#MyLife #MyAll #MyDeepestWhy

#GodsGrace #FavorsOfGod #GloryBetoGod

#WeLoveLivingLife #WeAreHappy #GoodLife


Contrary to what most of us believe, love comes in so many ways. One of those is Storge ["store-jay"], or familial love. It's a kind of philia pertaining to the love between parents and their children. It differs from most philia in that it tends, especially with younger children, to be unilateral or asymmetrical. More broadly, storge is the fondness born out of familiarity or dependency. It is with this love that we are able to love unconditionally.  


This may take you back to the real question: what is the story behind Valentine's day? It was on the end of the 5th century, when Pope Gelasius declared February 14 St. Valentine’s Day. It was not until much later, however, that the day became definitively associated with love. During the Middle Ages, it was commonly believed in France and England that February 14 was the beginning of birds’ mating season, which added to the idea that the middle of Valentine’s Day should be a day for romance. The English poet Geoffrey Chaucer was the first to record St. Valentine’s Day as a day of romantic celebration in his 1375 poem “Parliament of Foules,” writing, ““For this was sent on Seynt Valentyne’s day / Whan every foul cometh ther to choose his mate.”

Celebrating Valentine’s day has been practiced for decades. While there are many more Valentine’s days to come, make sure that each one you’ll spend with your loved one is a one to remember. A Davao family-friendly resort with pool, experience love, nature, and peace all in one, only at Malagos Garden Resort. We have more exciting offers for the month so make sure to subscribe to our newsletter at and be the first to know about these.