Posts tagged Malagos Kadayawan Activity
The Bounty of Kadayawan in the City

More than the grandeur and the color this festivity brings, it is also equally important to give honor to our local farmers during this time. It was because of their diligence in growing and cultivating the lands that we were able to enjoy such bounty. Here are three of the main reasons why in the peak of this all, we must always choose to support local and buy local.

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Malagos Throwback Thursday: The Abueva Sculptures

The Malagos Garden Resort always takes pride in supporting national and local artists in the country by providing a venue where they can showcase their works. While we are celebrating Kadayawan in the comfort of our homes, may we also remember why we are celebrating this event in the first place.

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The Rich Culture of Our Bagobo Brothers and Sisters

Here’s an interesting fact about the Malagos Garden Resort: most of our employees are community based and of a Bagobo descent. This is by far, the best decision we have ever made- an all proudly local team for a proudly local experience with nature. Here are some reasons why hiring community based workers is important especially in the midst of a pandemic:

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The Roots and Heritage of the Malagos Garden Resort

Your safety is our utmost priority. In order to keep afloat and make sure that our local farmers get by, we had to shift gears for this year. As much as it is important for us to give you a refined experience with nature, it is equally important for us to take care of our local farmers. We started from the initiative of one local farmer and have been growing with the help of other local farmers since then.

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Kadayawan sa Dabaw: Celebrating Our Rich Bounties

The new normal Kadayawan 2020 will be done online. The online celebration will be on August 17-24, 2020 with events like Kadayawan music video competition, Kadayawan in Retrospect, Best of Kadayawan events viewing party, and many more. Kadayawan 2020 is surely something new for all of us. But aside from participating in all the activities the government laid out to us, why not go the extra mile and embody the cause of this celebration?

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Kadayawan 2020: A Look Back of What Has Been

The list of could haves and would haves seems endless. However, coronavirus unexpectedly crawled in our country and is claiming more and more lives by the day. Thus, stringent safety measures had to be applied through cancelling all major activities that involve mass gathering. With this, you may already be starting to wonder, what to do in Davao City for Kadayawan 2020.

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3 Malagos Garden Resort Kadayawan Activities We All Miss

All major celebrations in Davao City for the year 2020 have been cancelled. But no need to fret! They say that along with nostalgia comes a little bit of comfort that we were able to enjoy things before. With this, for a little flashback Friday, we are sharing with you three of the most iconic activities we annually prepare for you during your Kadayawan at Malagos moments:

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5 Malagos Garden Resort Dish for Every Occasion

We at the Malagos Garden Resort since time immemorial, have always been here for every milestone and celebration you have. And while we cannot reopen our doors for you yet, let us still be a part of your every win through the fresh, homegrown food we have for you. We may not know when this will end but one thing is for sure: we will always be here, in all ways and forms, giving you a service you no less than deserve.

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